Chapter Twenty Six

Start from the beginning

"He has another, it's been apparently fully renovated".

"Knowing him it'll be damn near double what it was worth" Kate says.

"What do you mean?" I ask, and that seemed to be the question by both Ava and Mia.

"None of his homes are originals, they were built, and then when he bought them they were completely renovated for his liking, you've seen him design his own yachts, well he did that for all of his homes, he completely redesigned all of them, so he likely did the same for his new penthouse" Kate replies, "I also haven't seen several of his homes probably half his real estate portfolio, I just know they exist".

"You're dating the most secretive person in the group, and for you he cracks open like an egg" Mia muses, as our drinks are set down.

"I'm aware, but I think it's just how he is, the master of only telling people enough to answer the question but not enough to have them truly understand him" I mutter.

"I have been away from him most of his life, I didn't get to see Adrian too often, Nico has been with him his whole life, the boys went to Rosenberg with him, along with Mia, but you're the person who knows and understands him the most Olivia" Kate adds sipping some fruity beverage out of a tornado glass.

"That's obvious, though let's leave them be, their private lives should remain that" Ava says, and I give her a grateful smile.

"What are you ordering Olivia?" Mia asks.

"Chicken cacciatore" I reply.

"Ooh good choice".

After a moment the waitress returns to take our orders, which we all give her in succession before leaving to get our food.

"What are you going to do in Milan, like what caused the idea to come up?" Ava asks.

"Me and Adrian were talking about how because we've done so much travelling I could use one of the makeup bags in the custom vanity he had put in my side of the walk in closet, and I asked where it came from, his response was Milan, so I pointed out I've never been in fact, I never left the area around New York, so I've done all my travelling with Adrian" I say.

"Oh that's cool, making memories already" Mia says.

"Pretty much, but that also means my expectations for travel are high because I have only been to places as of the past year in luxury cars, a private jet, a helicopter, and a yacht, I'm middle class surrounded by billionaire's".

"You do know Adrian used the money you gave him to create a private investment through a hedge fund, had he done it normally you wouldn't have made anything" Kate says, "You both do things to essentially help each other, he made you a millionaire, apparently, and you helped him create a relief package for those living in third world countries that's what he used that investment for" Kate says.

"I'm waiting for the day we wake up, and Adrian, and Olivia are the two richest people in the world" Ava says with a small smile

"Neither of them give a damn about money, unless it's to help someone so if they were Adrian would probably ignore it, and Olivia would probably use it to help people" Mia says.

"I want to become a Neurologist I won't be becoming a billionaire in my lifetime".

"Not if you own the hospital" Ava mutters.

"Hospitals are two billion dollars to build" I say.

"Yes, but I also know Adrian would help you if you wanted to own your own hospital or chain of hospitals".

"We'll see" I say, "also you asked what we would be doing in Milan, probably doing various things that Adrian planned, as he usually has one, so I wouldn't be to surprised if he has some ideas already" I say.

"Knowing Adrian good chance of that" Kate muses before our food is set down in front of us.

"That seems likely" I say as we all begin to eat our meal and making light discussion about what everyone else plans on doing for the next two weeks.

I enjoyed tonight, and I can see this happening again at some point, even if it's just going for a dinner like we are right now.

Suddenly Mia's phone rings, and she quickly flips it over before picking it up and answering.

"Hi Nico... what do you mean?... wait a little slower please".

"Since when is Nico panicked?" I mutter to Kate.

"Never" she replies.

"Okay we're on our way, bye" Mia says hanging up the phone before pulling out money and leaving it on the table.

"We have to go to Julia Marie Hospital, now" Mia says.

"What why?" Kate asks.

"Adrian got in a car accident" was all she said before speedily walking out of the restaurant.

I then dropped more money on what Mia left, and all but ran out of the restaurant to get into Kate's Aston Martin.

We all then got into the vehicle, and were rushing away towards what I assume is one of the hospitals that is owned by Winters Group.

How the hell did he end up in a car accident he's the best driver I know?
So comment below what you think happened, also vote and share I appreciate it when the support you give, along with your thoughts and opinions. Anyways


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