176. Twoset Veterinarian XIV (Liszt's curse 4)

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"You did look rather exhausted this morning.. How much sleep exactly did you get last night?"

Brett momentarily hesitated.

"Um.. none."

Eddy's eyes shot open.

"What?! I thought you could fall asleep anywhere. Are you not like that anymore? I'm sorry Brett.. Meanwhile, I got to sleep like a baby"

Brett smiled.

"Um.. yeah I can. Last night was a bit of a... I dunno what happened. But I'm glad that you slept well.."

"Well, you better get some sleep in your own bed tonight then.. I suppose you'd want to sort out things like your stuff for uni and clothes.."

"Are you sure you're gonna be okay by yourself tonight?"

Eddy smiled.

"Yeah.. I feel much better that I talked to you about it and getting a good nights' sleep. I'll be okay."

"Okay but you gotta call me straight away if anything weird happens, okay?"

"Okay, I promise."

That night Eddy was alone in his flat.

It was late. Eddy had been studying, catching up on his revision by summarising his notes.

When he had finished, he got ready for bed.

Mentally he felt he was in a much better place. He had rested well the night before which had done wonders to him. He hoped he could enjoy a good nights' sleep like he got to do last night. He thought about how he felt so safe and secure when he was..

When I was curled up right against Brett...

Eddy realised the possible cause of Brett's sudden onset of insomnia.

He let out a little chuckle.

It was as if it was answered.


Oh no.



Oh please, no.





Eddy then remembered Brett made the sound go away when he turned on the lights. Eddy quickly got up on his elbows and turned on his bedside lamp.

He sat up in bed listening.  It was quiet again.  The sound had gone away.

Eddy let out a sigh of relief.

Then he heard something else that made his blood freeze.

He heard a cat's meow. A very loud meow with a unique intonation. Eddy recognised it straight away.


Eddy sprung out of bed and opened his bedroom curtains.

He saw Lizst sitting a few meters away from his bedroom window.

Liszt opened his mouth and hissed again.

Eddy resorted to the fact that Liszt wanted vengeance.

"It's okay boy. I.. I deserve it. For what it's worth, I'm sorry. I regret my actions or lack of it. I thought I could make it up by becoming a vet.. but obviously, your spirit has not found peace from that.. I'm really sorry."

Eddy opened his bedroom window to let him in.

It was a large sliding glass door that opened up into a courtyard. He took one step outside and his foot crunched onto the gravel that was laid out all over the courtyard.

Eddy then flinched as he heard another noise. This time coming from the direction of his front door.

He stepped back inside and opened his bedroom door that leads to his living room. He turned towards his front door and there he saw someone.


Then Eddy realised.

Brett wouldn't have my key anymore.. but no one else should.

"....No Eddy, try again."

Eddy recognised the voice.

The shadow stepped over closer. The light from the bedroom lamp escaping from the slightly ajar bedroom door was enough to show who the person was.


"Hi, Eddy."

"H, how did you get in..?"

Clyde held up his hand. His fingers held onto Eddy's favourite cat tail keyring with his key on it.

To be continued...

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