"You do know that your brother's wedding is going on, at the moment."

She nodded, "Please, just one day.." she pouted one more time. If she is doing it on purpose, she is right on target. I kissed her lips.

"Sure, we will go tomorrow." I will have to make some calls and arrange some groceries. I mentally reminded myself.

"Thank you, Thank you sooo very much." She grabbed my hand and said.

"Anything for you Dani, anything." I kissed her again and this time it went a bit too far.

I could tell that she wanted me as much as I wanted her. The feeling was mutual.  Nobody was ready to let go. but our stomachs had other needs in mind.

"Uumm.. we need to eat first...." she said catching her breath. 

"Sure sure.." touching my forehead to hers. I moved back and sat on the stool opposite hers.

"What do you want to do next?" I asked

"I.. Ummm.. I" she looked puzzled and I knew, where her mind is taking her. And my man self enjoyed that thought. Teasing her I said, "Give me a break Dani. We can't have sex all the time." 

" whaattttt... I didn't mean thattt..." she shouted looking more embarrassed than ever. 

"I know, you do.' I nudged her lightly.

"Zaky, please...." she glared at me with pleading eyes.

"okay, okay.." I surrendered


Later that day I showed her the stuff that I packed. I bought two sundresses, flipflops, some tops and jeans, using the help of my bestfriend and google. I thought everything beforehand. I tried my best to make this time one of the best of our life. And the way things were happening, I could tell it was going as planned. 

Rightnow I am losing my patience because my beautiful wife has taken too much time in getting ready, and I can't wait any longer. 

"Daneen, come out already.." She should know by now that her husband is not very patient.

"Coming....." she shouted and opened the gate after 10 more minutes.

Awestruck! I gaped at her. she wore a long floral shoulder off sundress with matching flipflops.

"You are Beautiful, Daneen." I grabbed her hand and took her out for a walk.

We walked on the beach, holding hands  feeling the warmth of the sun, not saying anything. The water was the only interruption, but we enjoyed it too.  It was touching our feet, and taking all our bad memories away, Because everytime it goes away something lifted off of our chest. We felt lighter.. everytime it went away, we smiled at each other.. letting each other know how we were feeling... we didn't need any words. We knew what we had was beyond comprehension. We were whole, we were together. And at that time the only thing that mattered was US..

"Daneeen, can I ask you something??" I stopped her.

"Yes..." she said looking out in the sea. Playing with her hair..

I bent down before she could analyse, and said,

"Daneen, you are the light of my life. You are the only one for me. Your smile brightens up my day. Nobody, I repeat, Nobody can take your place in my life.. if it weren't for you, I would have been lost.." she had tears in her eyes, I continued..

"I won't promise you things that I won't be able to do. But I do promise that I will try to understand you, I will be there for you, I will try to make you happy. I wish I could make you understand how I feel for you.. the words I Love you seem much smaller than what I exactly feel. My ego, my pride everthing is at your feet.. I am nothing without you.."

She bent down, put her hand on my mouth and said with watery eyes, "I don't know what to say But...."

She leaned in and kissed me...

The kiss was her seal on our love. It felt that she was answering my thoughts. She holded my neck made it much deeper. We were panting like crazy but this time I grabbed her by her hair..

"I'm not done yet...."



"Hey Danii...."


"I want to meet that brave Daneen, from the beach, at night.. can you please give me her number.."

The atmosphere filled with Daneen's embarrasment and Zaky' laughter.

Daneen.. Her LOVE StoryWhere stories live. Discover now