Last Day Of Tour

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"Last day of tour" Matt said, we were in a band huddle just before the guys last show, Alex was on my right with an arm across my shoulder, I was leaning into him without being obvious about it. Jack was on my other side, I had my arms around both of them. Matt was going on a long, inspirational "last day of tour" speech. I looked over at Alex, he caught my eye and smiled softly. We'd made an agreement to break it to the news of being a couple to the guys tonight. That should be interesting. "Right" Matt said, snapping me out of my daze as the circle broke up "you're on stage in 30 seconds"

"Okay then" Alex said "If we only have 30 seconds, I have an announcement" I looked over at him, my eyes widening.

"If this is about you and Cameron, we already know" Jack said, twisting the tuning peg for the A string on his guitar casually. My jaw dropped open, I opened and closed it a couple times, trying to form a sentence.

"I...I..." Alex stammered

"Did you guys really think you could keep it a secret from me of all people?"he said, looking up at us. We were standing there just looking guilty. All the guys were watching us now.

"I'm sorry" I blurted out, a soft smile crept across Jack's lips. 

"Don't apologize" he shook his head and wen't back to his tuning peg.

"I am sorry though" I continued "I wanted to tell you" I looked at Alex "we both did" I added "We just..."

"Didn't know how" Alex finished, I smiled at him thankfully.

"To be perfectly honest" Jack said, he put an arm across my shoulders, he then looked at Alex sternly "I'm kinda glad you finally saw the light and noticed how wonderful my little sister is"

"Jaaack...." I groaned

"But" he continued, shushing me with a hand to my face "if you even so much as say something in the wrong tone to her, I swear to god, Gaskarth, I will rip your balls from you body and feed them to your dogs"

"Understood" Alex nodded, Jack then grinned and Alex laughed. I smiled, perfectly content for once in my life.


"I can't believe your moving out" Jack sighed, looking at my empty room. All my furniture was still there but my posters were down. The clothes all over the floor were now in boxes, all my lights and pens and everything that had made the room mine for the last 3 years. "Are you sure you wanna move in with Alex?" Jack said softly as I taped my last box shut "I mean, you guys have only been dating a month..."

"6 weeks" I corrected "I'm about 99.9% absolutely sure this is what I want to do"

"What about that point one %?" he asked, raising his eyebrows

"Jack" I said softly, standing up to look him in th eyes "stop worrying"

"I can't help it, I'm your brother, that's what I'm supposed to do" he said, he pulled me into his arms, resting his chin on top of my hair. He stroked down the length of my hair. He kissed the top of my head. I heard Alex clear his throat at the door. I pulled away from Jack and realized I'd been crying, I brushed at my wet cheeks. 

"You ready to go?" he smiled, I nodded and Jack gave my hand a squeeze.

"Before you go, one more thing" Jack said, he walked over to my cupboards and disappeared. I frowned for a second before he came out with something in his hands. My face softened when I realized what it was.

"I can't believe that's still in there" I said as he pushed the Peter Pan plushie I'd had since I was 4 into my hands. "I'm gonna miss you so much" he chuckled sadly, pushing a kiss into my forehead.

"I'll miss you more" I said, smiling as I left. As I climbed into the car with Alex, as weird as it felt leaving the house I'd lived in with Jack for so long, it felt right. I sunk back into the cushions of Alex's car and watched my old house grow smaller in the side mirror. My old life.


"Welcome to casa a la Gaskarth" Alex said as he pushed the door open, I smiled and walked into Alex's familiar house. It wasn't new to me at all anyway, it had always been a second home here. Peyton and Baz came running up to me and I crouched down, rubbing Peyton on the head as he jumped up, licking me straight on the face.

"Ew" I laughed, trying to push him off me. Alex was just chuckling behind me, I managed to stand up with his help to get Peyton off me. His arms went round my waist, his head sitting on my shoulder.

"Oh look" he said softly in my ear, sending shivers down my spine as he kissed into my neck "an empty house, whatever could we do alone in an empty house?"

I giggled as he lifted me up so I was standing on his feet "I like the way you think" he started walking, well waddling, holding me into his chest with one arm as I laughed uncontrollably.


I woke up to sun streaming in through the curtains, I blinked a few times in the light, my eyes adjusting to the room. Alex's space next to me was empty, he'd be out all day writing with the guys. I sat up slowly, still half asleep and had all the blood rush to my head. I groaned, clutching my forehead and leaning forward to try to avoid passing out. Once I'd managed to safely stay conscious, I shuffled towards the bathroom, my head feeling like I had a brick instead of a brain. I just managed to look at my washed out complexion in the mirror before going into a sneezing fit. I moaned loudly, grabbing some tissues from the bathroom cabinet and blowing my nose violently. I've been here for three days and I'm sick already. Fantastic. I hadn't gotten sick in years. The last time I got sick was a year after my dad had left, it was great. I know you think illness is probably bad but my mum took the whole day off work to look after me, we watched car crash TV all day and she didn't drink once. It was one of my fondest memories. Another sneeze that sent pain through my head pulled me from my thoughts. I went to one of the boxes I still hadn't unpacked yet to dig out my blanket. Today was definatly a day for staying in bed and feeling sorry for myself.

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