Vol 1 Chapter 5.1

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Due to my hatred for human kind, I've been raised to adore animals more than humans. Hence why I despise human infants, hard to believe I was once one of them.

Still...I've been taught time and time again that I should learn the benefit behind observing human emotions.

"The point system is only unique to this school, the talk with Chabashira-sensei answered most of my suspicions. If class-points can be won through tests...then how can we obtain them the fastest?" Certainly ascending to class-A is impossible on paper but really it's just about playing your cards right. The only thing is...

You can't transfer students to other classes forcefully as far as I'm aware. And I was hoping for an infiltration mission by myself too, this school has thought of cheating that far huh?

The rules are pretty strict but not as strict as I thought. In order to maximize point management, what are the pieces I need to move.....

"It's all a giant chess game for here on out, my opponent should be the school itself until I decide to reset it after encountering a true opponent. Now which pieces to move...." I haven't been able to play video games lately since I have to manage my points for the time being, but luckily I've found a solution to that! I've been masterfully simulating chess matches in my mind during class!

Yeo that's right! I've been paying no attention is class at all and you can probably tell by my face. Though I didn't sense any shift in emotions when the teacher's ask me, generally because I still actively answer their questions.

Classes are easy to survive in actually. All you have to do is not spend too much energy on the lectures and focus whatever the hell is on the board.

Most of the time what teachers say with their mouths are nothing but life stories anyway. Still you should keep on guard, once they start telling life stories go over the material you've learned and you'll be just dandy. Who knows, you might even become the smartest student in your class.

But if it doesn't work the first few times, forget I ever said anything.

"Well I've got the points now...exactly 80,888 private points.....wow that's strange as fuck. I thought I spent more, guess I "bought" too many free items. Nevermind that, I can finally out phase one of my plan into go once classes for the day is over." I've been up here for awhile now.

I even forgot to buy and food before coming here, class is going to start in 15 more minutes. If I rush down....maybe I can sneak in an onigiri before class starts!

"Welp, that was fun. Time to head bac-! Mmph!" As I turn around, the onigiri I've been craving is shoved into my mouth.

But it's not the onigiri I was focusing on, in fact it was the person in front of me.

A girl slightly below my height, waist long maroon hair with a red eye on the left side while her right is blue, likely a case of heterochromia. Bust size around 90cm, waist 55cm, hip 81cm....no doubt this is!

"Rock 'n roll baby. Who ordered the Rayla-onigiri special?"

"Ray-chan!" That's right, time for a little introduction! One that I'm actually confident in.

This is Rayla Kurenai, the daughter of the owner of a large scale corporation. She also so happens to be an old friend of mine, who's liveliness is only rivalled by my own! She also has a wonderful body to boot.

Though for some reason she has her blazer stuck to her shoulders so it almost looks like a cape. Surprising to most but if you know who she is and how brazen she can become, it isn't so strange really.

"What's up, Daichin? Hope you missed me after being separated for so long." Since we're close to one another, we decided to give eachother nicknames based of our given names. For her it's Ray-chan and for me it's Daichin, we were always made fun for it when we were little.

"Now that's what I call a quick drive-thru! I didn't even expect to find you here Ray-chan! Also why did you make such a cool introduction!?"

"Because when a girl has a crush on someone, she'll try her best to leave a big impact on if she wants to leave a good impression." I can't help but feel like I'm the scapegoat here though, dunno why.

"Anyhow thanks for the meal! You really saved my ass here, I would have to run back down to the cafeteria just to buy this and you somehow knew I was up here. Birds of a feather flock together huh?"

She hands me another onigiri, actually more like throws it so I could catch it in mid air with my mouth. This is normal for us, yep NORMAL.

"I heard my beloved childhood friend made quite the ruckus in his class. I became interested and since I knew you liked quiet places to think, naturally the first place I thought of was the roof. Though I wasted some time searching the library. I even saw a little green dude there."

" A little...green dude?"

"Yo duh, that's Yoda!" Oooh!

"Pfft hahahaha! It's been so long living without your puns! These movie puns never get old, anyway what did you want me for? I mean you come to see me for fun but aren't you busy with whatever class you're in?"

"Yeah well, there's something I want to talk with you about! Come on, drag your dick over here, this is something pretty serious." It's not that serious, I can tell by her smirk but better go and see anyway.

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