Cause her room was a mess. Her half unpacked bags, suitcases covered the bed, my clothes shattered on the floor. Her wardrobe in which half of the almirah were open and have were closed.

Someone from her family could easily say that it was Annika's room. She didn't wanted him to make fun of me and my room so simply she didn't took him inside.

She managed to secretly message Martha to adjust her room.

Shivaay thought to initiate the conversation and so does Annika but both of them backed off.

Though, he was least interested in going on a house tour with her, still he agreed. It was a beautiful one. He wondered what made her omit that part.

The tour was a silent one. She didn't even looked at me and just gave him the directions. Their house was just similar to Oberoi Mansion. He wondered why she didn't took him inside her room.

She took him inside every room except for her own. She just showed it from outside.

They reached the terrace. It was peaceful. Plants, benches, fountain, all beautiful. She was not speaking anything. Should he try to initiate a conversation?

No, he is Shivaay Singh Oberoi. He won't keep my pride aside. She is showing me her ego. He will show her that he has a double of what she has. But without thinking, he didn't know why, he spoke.

"Beautiful house especially this terrace.", he said.

Annika didn't respond.

"Fhat the Wuck, she is ignoring me, me, the great Shivaay Singh Oberoi... girls die just to get a glimpse of me but she is ignoring me when I am standing right in front of her, are her eyes fine?, he thought disbelievingly.

"By the way, why didn't you say that thing. Why did you omit the same?",Shivaay asked.

"Because my father did not teach me to insult anyone, especially in front of his family members", she replied arrogantly.

"Oh really! Then whatever you said about me downstairs was not and insult, so what was it then", he asked surprisingly.

"Correction Mr. Oberoi! I spoke the truth. If you are taking it as an insult then I can't do any thing. And yes, I do not insulate anyone the way you did. You didn't even feel shameful taking rubbish about a girl in public.", she said furiously.

"You can call me Shivaay."

"He owes me a sorry and a thankyou but no he isn't going to say it cause he is full of attitude", she thought

While there, "Tej, you were talking about their marriage, these two things are already on fire and water.", Manish said.

"Hey, so I don't want them to get married now. Now Annika is here for a month. Maybe these two will become friends and then let's see", Tej explained

"But one thing I am already saying that after Amrita, left us I never pressurized Annika for anything. I allowed her to do whatever she wanted. Ten years ago, she said that she wants to let go to New York. Where she wants to stay, she has to do the job , I let her do it. But I will not talk to him about Shivaay",Manish said.

"Manish bhai sahab, don't be worried. We will also not talk to Shivaay about this. We also want that these two become friends on their own, not because of us.", Shakti said.

Here, "Shall we go downstairs", Annika asked.

"Yaa lets go.", came the reply. "Who even wants to stay here with him/her?", both of them thought.

Suddenly Annika's feet slipped since the grass was wet. Fortunately Shivaay held her like from her waist while her hands wrapped around his neck in reflex.

Annika's other hand was on Shivaay's shoulder. They got engaged in a beautiful eye-lock. For the very first time their faces were very close.

Though he didn't liked her even a bit, still he saved her. Humanity! No Cause she is Manish uncle's daughter, he thought!

Ya, just because of that reason. Nothing more. She landed in his arms. Her eyes were closed. She held his collar tightly.

She had an angelic face. Despite of the ego she has, she actually is beautiful. Her honey brown eyes, first pair of eyes I am liking after mine. Her eyes are beautiful, maybe more than his, he wondered.

No, No, No, No! Shivaay Singh Oberoi can't just praise a person who behaved rudely to him.He tucked the hair strand on her face behind her ears.

He held her tightly as if he would never let her go. Not realising their position, she was still in his arms. Then his eyes caught her attention, green, blue, or a mixture of both lets say bleen or grue color.

She doesn't know what, she just wanted that moment to freeze. Not like she fell in love with him. She can never take the chance to fall in love with this ruthless figure. Its just that she wanted to see his eyes.

She never had seen such a beautiful pair of eyes. Just like Hritik Roshan, her crush. Greek God, is he sasta wala Hritik Roshan? No, Shivaay is more handsome than him.

No Annika...don't forget what this so called handsome person did to you! she alarmed herself.

Annika broke the eye lock and stood up. "I can handle myself! Stay away", she warned.

"She owes me a sorry and a thankyou but no. She isn't going to say it", he thought.

"You didn't say thank you to me.", he said.

"Did you say it? kanji aakho vala bagad billa", she snapped back.

"What did you just say? kan...kanji what?", he asked confusingly. "KANJI AAKHO VALA BAGAD BILLA......", she said being all clear and ran away.

"This girl is completely a mess. She herself belongs with such a big family, yet she was giving me lectures about money. She is educated but her actions are, god!", he said to himself.

He went downstairs.

"So Shivaay,how was the house.", Abhay asked.

"Indeed Its really beautiful", he said smiling.

"He smiles too?", Annika thought.

"So lets have dinner", Sandhya said.

Everyone had the lavish dinner and enjoyed. Now its time for the Oberoi's to go. Tej and Shakti hugged Annika.

"Annika bete it was really pleasant to meet you. Manish please bring her once to Oberoi Mansion. Everyone will be really happy to meet her", Tej said.

"Tej uncle, I will definitely come.", she replied smiling.

"Tej I will read the deal paper and tell whether to finalise the quotation or is there any change required", Manish said.

"No problem. But do finalize everything till tomorrow", Tej said.

He nodded and the Oberoi's left. Shivaay and Annika shared a sarcastic smile before leaving

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