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"My precious petal."

Jeongguk finally squinted his eyes open, groaning as he suddenly felt a headache. Taehyung let out a chuckle at the adorable sight of the doe eyed male in front of him.

"What happened?" Jeongguk questioned the other male as he tried to sit up from Taehyung's lap, pressing a hand on his head.

They both were finally at Taehyung's mansion. After what happened back there with Lucy, Taehyung immediately went home with Jeongguk who was passed out in the car.

"Do you remember?" Jeongguk looked at him confused and then widened his eyes in horror. "Oh my god, Jay!"

"Shh, baby," Taehyung tried to relax Jeongguk who was starting to tremble. The child- The one who he gave roses to, died in front of him and the doe eyed male felt tears immediately pool in his eyes.

Oh my fucking god.

The way the child's head exploded into pieces and the overflowing blood- Oh my god, Jeongguk remembers everything.

"How can someone do that to a fucking child?!" Jeongguk cried out. The image is still plastered in his mind and he can't seem to get rid of it.

The doe eyed male felt horrible. He wasn't even the one who murdered the child yet he feels responsible for his death and he doesn't even know why. A dreadful feeling swam through his insides, he felt guilty about what happened.

"He's in a better place now baby. It's not your fault ssh." Taehyung held the crying doe eyed male in his arms. He wasn't at the scene when it happened.

"What is happening here in this town? Why is there a lot of murder here?" Jeongguk questioned the other male, his confused eyes met Taehyung's for a few seconds.

First, the massacre that occurred yesterday and now a child getting his head exploded? What the fuck is wrong with this town? It seems like murder is everywhere here.

"I can assure you that this town is safe, baby. It's been safe and no crimes have occurred for a few years until yesterday and today baby." Taehyung answered, dark eyes gazing at Jeongguk's chubby cheeks and stared at it for a moment before brushing his fingertips to it, touching the soft skin.

To say, Jeongguk hasn't even moved on from the massacre yesterday. Taehyung was a good distraction for him to forget everything and when he thought he'll be finally okay, a child's head was destroyed in front of his face.

He feels something yet he couldn't pinpoint it out. What if- What if V knows he's here? Knows that he's trying to change the past so that's why V is trying to kill him and these murders happened because of him?

Jeongguk is now scared- What if it's true?!

He hasn't even started doing his mission yet he can feel it in his veins that he will fail.

"Hey, are you alright? You look pale." Taehyung grabbed his chin and forced him to meet his concerned eyes.

"I-I'm fine." Jeongguk pushed Taehyung's hand away, suddenly feeling nervous. He feels butterflies in his stomach now that the older's body is almost pressed into him, face getting closer to his.

I'm so weak. Jeongguk thought. I can't fall in love-

Taehyung's hand immediately went to grab Jeongguk and held it tightly. "Would you like to go out with me?"

Their noses bumped into each other, Taehyung's dark eyes intensely stared at the doe eyes of Jeongguk who was shocked at his words. Did Taehyung just asked him on a date?!

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