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A sudden emotion of surprise immediately etched on Jeongguk's face, his doe eyes widening at Taehyung's blunt statement. His lips parted in shock.

"What the fuck? What is wrong with you?!" Jeongguk curses at him. Anger is slowly surging through his body as he hears what Taehyung said.

"If you want to stay for weeks or months in my house then you'll have to be my slave first. You have to do what I want you to do." Taehyung licked his lips, eyes lingering on Jeongguk's rosy lips.

"And what If I don't want to?" There's no way Jeongguk will submit to this man. Though, earlier he was checking him out, thinking how Taehyung is so hot but now, his perspective to the man in front of him had now changed.

He never expected Taehyung to say something like that and it caught him off guard.

"Then your remaining time of staying in my house will be cut short. You'll only have a week. You better find somewhere to stay before I kick your ass out." The smirk on Taehyung's face never fell, dark emotionless eyes still staring through the boy's doe eyes.

The boy in front of Taehyung is so beautiful. Probably the most beautiful boy Taehyung has ever laid his eyes on. His beautiful features and sinful looking body was enough for Taehyung to drown into his desires he has for the boy.

Ever since he saw Jeongguk, all he could see was red. He immediately wanted to have the boy for himself. He doesn't care about anyone- not even his father. The only thing he could think about was Jeongguk.

He loves Lucy but with Jeongguk, something clicked inside of him and he knew he had to have him.

It was a miracle that Taehyung controlled himself by pouncing on the boy and taking him right there.

It's only been a few hours since they met yet he was already craving badly for the beautiful boy.

"No, thanks. I reject the offer. I'll rather stay at your house for just a week rather than to be your slave." How could he? Jeongguk thought.

He already has his grandmother and yet he wanted Jeongguk to be his slave? What was going on in Taehyung's mind?

"The offer still stands and if you change your mind, tell me immediately." And without that, Taehyung went out of his car, leaving Jeongguk alone in the car, not even bothering to open the door for him.

Jeongguk peeked his eyes through the window, and a view of a mansion entered his sight. The mansion was even bigger than his grandma's. He didn't expect Taehyung to be this rich.

He immediately got out of the car and followed Taehyung's figure. A gasp escaped his mouth when he saw how huge Taehyung's mansion was. The doe eyed male realized this will be the house he will be temporarily living in for a week.

As he entered the mansion, with Taehyung waiting for him inside, expensive black decorated walls welcomed his sight. The whole inside of the mansion was beautiful and wider than his grandma's.

The mansion looked wide inside yet Jeongguk could feel gloomy and sadness blazing around it. There are no other people inside so does that mean Taehyung lives alone?

"Welcome to my home, petal." Taehyung's manly deep voice and the man stirred closer to Jeongguk. The poor doe eyed boy can feel Taehyung's breath on his neck.

Jeongguk gritted his teeth and pushed Taehyung away from him. "Stop calling me that!"

The doors were suddenly closed shut, making the poor boy jump in surprise.

"Let's talk." Taehyung went into one of his large sofas across the living room, sitting on it. Leaving the poor boy alone standing in front of him, a few feet away. "Tell me, where did you come from and how did you stumble upon this neighborhood, hmm?"

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