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And just like that, Jeongguk was thrown off, falling into the wormhole that Yoongi created.

Terrified screams escaped his throat, as his body fell straight to the hole, swallowing him whole. As it did, the wormhole disappeared, dragging him along and his body back to the past.

In 1973.

What events happened in that year? Well, The Vietnam War happened, the release of the famous horror movie 'The Exorcist' was the most famous film of that year, the first cell phone call was invented and so on.

However, homophobia in this era sadly exists, people were starting to fight for their rights, especially women and gay rights, the rock genre started to become a hit, the rise of disco, everything the early seventies was known for.

A queasy feeling hit Jeongguk hard in the chest, his stomach churning and he could feel his skin slightly burning.

Seconds after, he felt his whole body land into the ground, his face hitting it first, making him groan loudly in pain. His whole body ached and he could almost find himself screaming when he felt a sharp pain on his head but he tried to ignore it.

The doe eyed male rubbed his eyes and all he could see was dark spots clouding his vision, stomach churning that he could feel himself wanting to puke. He felt a little bit dizzy. Was this the effect of being thrown into a wormhole and traveling through time? He didn't even literally feel a thing. The second he was thrown off, without even blinking, he already landed straight to the ground.

Jeongguk groaned loudly and tried to sit up. He adjusted his vision before his eyes landed on a house, no scratch that, a mansion in front of him. He found himself lying in the middle of the road. He roamed his eyes everywhere. Fancy houses and trees surrounding the whole neighborhood. He noticed it's dark midnight and there's no people and cars can be seen outside, only lampposts that give him the light he needs.

The doe eyed male had now realized that he indeed time traveled to the past.

Holy shit, I really did go back to the past. Jeongguk thought.

Yoongi was right. The blonde haired fairy was right all along. He would never let Jeongguk die. Now speaking of Yoongi, where is he?

Jeongguk frowned. Yoongi pushed him off so where the fuck is he? Didn't he go after him? What happened to the blonde fairy after he pushed Jeongguk? The thoughts swirl through Jeongguk's mind and can't help but to feel anxious.

I don't see any sight of Yoongi. What am I going to do here now?! The doe eyed male panicked internally.

Jeongguk bit his lip. He felt anxious when he suddenly realized he didn't have Yoongi with him and he had no one here. He is all alone now by himself.

"What's that noise? Lucy! Check that out!" A man yelled. It seems like it came from the house in front of Jeongguk.

"Ugh! It's probably a car dad!" A feminine voice yelled back.

"Whatever! Go outside and check what's the noise!"

Noise? Jeongguk thought. The wormhole, did it make a noise when it brought me here?

The door of the house in front of Jeongguk suddenly opened, giving the doe eyed male a view of a young teenage girl who seemed like she was in her late teens, hair styled in a bun and wearing cute pajamas.

The girl immediately noticed Jeongguk's figure laying in the middle of the road and widened her eyes. "Oh my god!"

She immediately went up to Jeongguk and crouched down in front of him. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

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