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The only word that made the doe eyed carry it around him, clinging into it like a monkey clings into its mother, hoping that everything will be alright someday, providing him with comfort and a sense of relief.

Ever since he stumbled upon this timeline, hope filled his chest, hoping that he would see the fairy someday, helping him to accomplish what's supposed to be doing right now instead of falling in love with someone that is not meant for him.


It's oddly amazing how far Jeongguk would do to seek his revenge and justice for his family. He never in a million years would have thought that he'd met a fairy like Yoongi and knowing that time traveling does exist in this world.

A sigh of relief escaped past through Yoongi's lips, seeing the younger male finally in front of him, alive and healthy and still in pieces. The fairy knew that the younger was still alive somewhere and now there he is, finally in front of him.

"Y-Yoongi?" Jeongguk's once frowned face lit up into a big smile and immediately went towards the fairy to give him a big hug. "Oh my god you're here!"

The fairy's gummy smile appeared on his face and hugged back the younger, he couldn't believe he finally saw Jeongguk after searching for him for days.

Jeongguk felt happiness and a sense of relief engulfed inside of him.

Finally, Jeongguk is not alone anymore! The fairy can now help and accompany him.

It's been a rough week living alone in a year where he doesn't even belong. Jeongguk felt like a true outsider, knowing that he's from the future and surrounded by oldies who are in their youth.

The doe eyed male still hasn't adjusted yet at the lifestyle but Taehyung was there for him unknowingly helping him and being his anchor to everything.

Speaking of Taehyung, the male was looking at both of them with confusion written on his face, thick eyebrows knitting.

"H-How are you alive? What the fuck, how did you even survived here without me?!"

Yoongi asked the younger, bewildered and scanned Jeongguk's figure, seeing that the younger had quite fit in around the people here cause he definitely looks like he's someone who's straight out from the 70s.

Green collared long sleeve shirt and baggy pants and his hair seemed to grow out a little bit longer. Jeongguk truly looks like a person from the 1970s now. The clothes that he was wearing were Taehyung's.

Jeongguk chuckled at the fairy's question, forgetting the two presence of males behind him until Yoongi questioned him.

"Wait, you guys know each other?" Jihyun asked, butting in on their conversation.

"Who's the guy with you?" Yoongi questioned, ignoring the other male that pouted beside him.

The fairy narrowed his eyes onto Taehyung who was silently staring at them with blank eyes. Yoongi immediately felt something inside him.


"Oh," Jeongguk looked back at Taehyung and gave the fairy a small smile. "His name is-"

"Taehyung." The older male cut off Jeongguk and introduced himself to the fairy who was giving him a look of something he can't quite make out. He then offered his hand for the fairy to shake.

The fairy sense something dark, an aura that is floating around the male that can be seen only with his eyes and for Jeongguk's sake, he immediately went to shake the other's hands, ignoring the blackness that surrounds the male until he could almost feel his insides burning when his hand touched the other.

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