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The Next Day

Y/n Pov

Usual day as always, I got up and did my morning routine, "Good Morning," Eun Ji Unnie said cheerfully as always, I came to the living room, "Morning," I said coldly. "Breakfast is ready," Eun Ji Unnie said as we all went to the dining table.

I was silently eating my breakfast, "Y/n Unnie can you pass me the salt?" Suzy asked as I passed her the salt, "Well Y/n Unnie, your graduation is in 4 months, and then your schooling will be done," Suzy said as I just hummed.

"Why are you so silent today," Aeri Unnie asked me "I'm not," I said still looking down and eating my breakfast, "Why are you so cold today, as if someone has rejected you harshly," Aeri said while chuckling, as I stopped eating and just stared at her.

A-Yeong Unnie smacked her, "Ow, why does everyone smack me?" Aeri pouted, "Cuz you say something, which you shouldn't," A-Yeong Unnie said as I huffed out.

"Why? did something actually happen to her?" Aeri asked, "Don't talk much and eat fast, you 3 have to go to school too," A-Yeong Unnie said.

"Aaah, say me what happened? something must have happened," Aeri whined as I ignored her and took my leave.


I finally reached the school, as always Hyeon Jun came to me smiling, I smiled back at him, but this time my smile wasn't a genuine one but just a forced and weak smile.

"What happened? is everything all right?" Hyeon Jun asked as I nodded and smiled, "Y-Yes," I said not wanting to talk with anyone right now, I walked into the classroom and plopped my bag to the ground as I sat on my seat laying my head on the desk.

"What happened Y/n-ah?" Hyeon Jun asked me again, "Did you get rejected by him?" He asked me as I got up and looked at him.

"How do you know?" I asked him, "Your face, your face always had a smile when you saw me, but now it vanished away, so I guess you got rejected," He said, as I nodded.

"It's okay, Love can't be forced right," He said as I smiled and nodded. 

Only if he knew that his rejection and my rejection were way different, his rejection had no insult, but my rejection had insults.

During Lunch

"Y/n-ah, why don't you eat?" Hyeon asked me as he tried feeding me, but I had no appetite to eat, I just got up and went away.

I walked to the terrace, not to suicide, I'm not that weak.

I stood there taking in the air, the cool breeze hit my face as warm tears rolled down, I hated myself crying...crying for him.

I harshly wiped away my tears, "Why am I acting like a lovesick girl? I'm strong," I said to myself

I spent some more minutes there and finally went down.

After School

The school completed, today we had no evening class, so even Hyeon Jun was going home with me.

I came out of the school gate waiting for Hyeon Jun, when I saw Taehyung Oppa walking towards me, I turned back and was about to walk away when he caught my wrist. I looked back at him in disgust.

"Why are you here?" I asked while trying to get out of his grip, he smirked, "Well, bitches like you deserve it, did you think I'll leave you that easily? No Y/n, I'll not, people like you deserve a punishment for sure, let me say to your dear boyfriend, what you do behind his back," He said as I crossed my arms.

"Oh, if you have those guts to say then go ahead and say it, I'm not afraid, go and say what I do behind my boyfriend's back," I said while smirking as he smirked back.

"I do have those guts," He said as I scoffed and was about to go off when he held my wrist again, "How about facing your boyfriend too?" He said as I yanked his hand away.

"I'm afraid that you'll not be able to face yourself after talking to my boyfriend," I said emphasizing the last word and leaving off.

Stupid Jerk

I came back to my apartment and plopped myself on the couch, "Stupid," I muttered and got up to get ready for our training.

Taehyung Pov

I was standing near the school gate waiting for Hyeon Jun, he finally came, I still remember how once I use to ignore him and today I'm pitying him and helping him.

Is he really pitying him, or is it just his jealousy that wants to separate them?

He finally came, I went near him, "Hello Hyeon Jun," I said still not removing my mask but he understood who I was. "T-Taehyung Sir?" He stuttered.

"I want to talk to you," I said as he nodded, "Not here, but in my car," I said showing him my car and walking towards it while he followed me.

"What do you want to talk about?" He asked as I took a deep breath and removed my mask, "Well I want to talk about Y/n," I said as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Y/n? what about her?" He asked, "See Hyeon Jun, listen to my words carefully and don't interrupt, I know yesterday you confessed your feelings to Y/n and she even accepted it, but-" I was cut off by him, "But she-" I cut him off, "Let me complete my sentence at least," I said as he nodded.

"But, Y/n is not the girl whom you think, she is a liar, a gold digger, she has cheated on you, after she accepted you, the next moment she confessed to me," I said.

"What she confessed to you?" He asked kinda shocked.

"I know, you must be shocked, but you can ask Y/n by yourself," I said.

"So you were the one whom Y/n was going to confess?" He said, "So you were that guy, I never thought it was you, sir," He said.

"Y/n is your girlfriend, right? why aren't you reacting?" I asked confused about his reaction, "Y/n is my what? Girlfriend?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows, he then laughed.

"No sir, Y/n isn't my girlfriend," He said as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"But then in the park, she accepted your confession and you hugged her tightly too, and was about to kiss her too," I said, "Oh, that one well....." Hyeon said and explained the whole story

"What? so she thought you were practicing your confession with her and that is why she accepted you?" I asked as he nodded. "And you both did not share any kiss too?" I asked again as he nodded.

Oh Shit, I misunderstood everything, I even questioned her character and mentioned her mom too. Taehyung you've really done bad to her. UGH.

"Well, Taehyung Sir can I go?" He asked as I nodded and drove home.

Shit, Taehyung you've really fucked up everything this time.




To Be Continued

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