Chapter-2 (About Y/n)

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Y/n's POV

"Y/n, did the results come in?" My dad strolled into our room, asking the burning question.

"OUR room?" you ask. Yeah, my sister and I share the same room but, just to clarify, not the same bed.

"Not yet, Dad. It's only been a week. The results will roll in after 2-3 weeks," I assured him. He nodded and made his way out.

Now, you're probably wondering, results for what? Well, I sent online auditions to different K-POP companies – JYP, YG, SM, Cube, Pledis, Woolim, FNC, and Starship. Fingers crossed, I hoped to snag a spot and become a trainee. It's a dream, and I'm holding onto it tight.

"But what about HYBE?" you inquire. Ah, well, I skipped on HYBE. It's where BTS resides, and I didn't want to be distracted by them during my training. I feared I'd turn into a full-on fangirl instead of focusing on becoming an idol. I wanted to prove I'm here for the music, not just to rub shoulders with BTS. Choosing HYBE might give off the wrong idea, you know?

Becoming a K-POP idol is my real goal, and I've got decent vocals. I can hit those high notes effortlessly, but dance? Yeah, not my strong suit. I'm a self-proclaimed dance monkey, barely hanging in there. During the lockdown, I self-trained, trying to elevate myself from a dance disaster to just a tad better. It's a work in progress.

For the audition, I sent a vocal audio on [song name] and a dance video on [another song name]. I gave it my all, and now, I'm just hoping for the best. It took me three months to convince my dad, but now he's on board, supporting my dream. It's a victory in itself.

Sure, I'm not Korean, but I believe passion knows no borders. Shoutout to BTS and other K-POP groups for making me believe in myself and teaching me to love myself.

Here are my life mantras:

Smile is more effective than makeup.Don't get trapped in others' dreams.Love yourself.Live your life to the fullest, leaving no room for regrets. We've got only one shot at this.We're born to be real, not perfect.

Being an Army makes me proud. BTS is the best thing that happened to me, and I'd never regret my decision. After dinner, I drifted off to sleep, envisioning a dreamland where millions awaited my performance.

To be continued...

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