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Y/n Pov

"We're back," Namjoon Oppa announced as Jungkook Oppa and I descended the stairs. Upon reaching the living room, we found them seated on the couch. Namjoon Oppa greeted me, "Hey Y/-" but his words trailed off as I felt a peculiar sensation on my feet. Peering down, I was astonished to find...

A small creature.

I paused, a wave of recognition washing over me.

Wait a minute, it's...


In the midst of the commotion, I completely forgot about Taehyung Oppa's adorable puppy, Yeontan

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In the midst of the commotion, I completely forgot about Taehyung Oppa's adorable puppy, Yeontan.

As I looked down, an overwhelming desire to scoop up the little creature washed over me. "Aish, Tannie, come here," Taehyung Oppa coaxed in Korean, attempting to lift Yeontan. Yet, the puppy seemed determined to break free, squirming until it managed to wriggle out of his grasp. Instead, it made its way towards me, perhaps sensing a familiar presence.

With a nod of approval from Namjoon Oppa, I couldn't resist reaching down to scoop up Yeontan, relishing in the softness of his fur. I could sense Taehyung Oppa's gaze boring into me, but I brushed it off. Having the company of such an adorable puppy would certainly stave off boredom.

Now, at least, I wouldn't be alone. Although I noticed Taehyung Oppa shooting me occasional glares, Yeontan showed no inclination to return to his owner's side, much to Taehyung's dismay.

"Why wasn't Yeontan home these past few days?" I inquired, directing my question to Namjoon Oppa. Before he could respond, Taehyung interjected, "He was at the vet—"

"Veterinary hospital," Namjoon Oppa interjected, cutting off Taehyung.

"Veterinary? Why?" I probed, furrowing my brows as I continued to stroke Yeontan's fur.

Ignoring Taehyung's attempt to interject, I pressed on, eager for an answer. Namjoon Oppa chuckled softly, while Taehyung seemed taken aback by my assertiveness.

"Yeontan was diagnosed with Canine Parvovirus," Namjoon Oppa explained. I nodded in understanding, seeking further clarification about the illness.

Curiosity piqued, I shifted my attention when Namjoon Oppa offered to show me my uniform. Excitement bubbled within me as I eagerly accepted his offer.

 Excitement bubbled within me as I eagerly accepted his offer

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I clapped my hands excitedly, unable to contain my joy. "So, the admission procedure is complete, and my K-POP audition form is filled out?" I confirmed, turning to Taehyung Oppa before returning my attention to Namjoon Oppa.

"And here are all your school essentials," Namjoon Oppa continued, listing off items like a school bag, pencil box, textbooks, and notebooks, before I interrupted him with a tight hug.

"Thank you so much, Oppa," I expressed my gratitude, feeling a sense of warmth in his embrace. "You're family to us now, and as family, it's our responsibility," he reassured me before releasing me from the hug, while Taehyung made some less-than-pleased expressions.

"Lunch is ready," Jin Oppa announced in Korean. "Let's eat," Namjoon Oppa urged, prompting me to nod and bring Yeontan along.

"Taehyung, make sure to prepare a dance routine for your audition," Namjoon instructed, to which Taehyung nodded. "Have you decided on a song?" he asked, only to be met with Taehyung's grumbling in Korean about preparing for a stranger.

"Oppa, I'm confident in my ability to hit high notes," I interjected. "If you're selecting a song, I suggest choosing one suited for a sweet, high-pitched voice," I advised. Taehyung brushed off my input, but Namjoon emphasized the importance of considering my vocal range.

"Should Taehyung also incorporate dance into his audition?" I inquired. "Certainly," Namjoon confirmed, causing me to gulp nervously. "Actually, I haven't exercised much, so... perhaps a bit of stretching beforehand would be beneficial," I suggested, fidgeting with my fingers as Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"From today onward, Taehyung will start a diet and exercise regime for his auditions," Namjoon announced, understanding my concerns. I nodded in agreement.

As we ate, Taehyung mumbled something in Korean, prompting me to inquire, "What did Taehyung Oppa say?" Namjoon brushed it off before covertly nudging Taehyung.

"After two weeks, your underground training will commence," Namjoon informed me. I nodded, focusing on my meal. Catching Taehyung's smirk, I couldn't help but feel puzzled by his demeanor. Nevertheless, I pushed aside my confusion and continued eating.

And with two weeks until my birthday, anticipation for the upcoming events filled me with excitement.




To Be Continued

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