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Y/n Pov

I sat on the couch, lost in my thoughts, unaware of Jungkook Oppa's approach.

"Hey Y/n-ah, what's on your mind? You seem serious," he remarked, breaking my reverie. "Um, nothing," I replied, my gaze fixed on him.

"Are you sure? If you want to talk, I'm here to listen," he offered, concern evident in his voice. I shook my head in response. "Hmm, okay," he acknowledged, turning his attention to the television. "How about watching TV?" he suggested.

"TV? Well, there's nothing for me to watch. I don't understand Korean," I explained, prompting a nod from him.

"Then how about playing some games?" he proposed. "Not interested," I muttered, staring ahead.

"Huh? Yesterday, you were eager to play. What's changed?" he inquired, puzzled by my sudden disinterest.

"I'm just not in the mood," I replied curtly. Jungkook Oppa hummed in acknowledgment. "How about looking at some photos then?" he suggested with a smirk.

"Photos?" I echoed, intrigued by the idea. He grinned mischievously. "Come on, I'll show you some interesting ones," he urged, and I nodded eagerly.

We retreated to his room, where he unlocked his phone. "Y/n-ah, check out these pictures I took of Tae," he said, motioning for me to join him.

I examined the first photo he showed me—an old snapshot of Taehyung Oppa sleeping peacefully after having his makeup done for a music video shoot. "Aw, he's adorable," I remarked, smiling at the sight.

"I took that a while ago. Now, look at this one," Jungkook Oppa said, displaying another picture. This time, Taehyung was depicted exhausted from continuous travel, unintentionally dozing off mid-journey.

"And here's another one. He looks so funny in this," Jungkook Oppa chuckled, showing me a photo taken during the shooting breaks of "Boy with Luv." It seemed Jungkook Oppa had an array of amusing snapshots of Taehyung.

"He's adorable even when he's sleepy," I commented, admiring the next image, which showcased a tired Taehyung after a rigorous practice session. It struck me how Jungkook Oppa seemed to capture Taehyung's sleepy moments so frequently.

"Heh, he's irresistibly cute when he's sleepy," I chuckled, momentarily forgetting his recent behavior towards me as I admired the endearing photos.

"We're back," Namjoon Oppa's voice interrupted our moment. Jungkook Oppa and I returned downstairs, only for Namjoon Oppa's greeting to be cut short by my sudden realization—something was touching my feet. Glancing down, I was taken aback by what I saw...




To Be Continued

Guess it Fellas

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