Chapter- 17

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"Y/n-ah," Namjoon said, "Oppa you both came?" Y/n replied while still perched on Jungkook's back. Namjoon nodded, glancing at Taehyung, who was already eyeing Y/n and Namjoon.

"Looks like you both got along well," Namjoon remarked, smiling as they returned the gesture. Y/n dismounted from Jungkook's back and approached Namjoon.

"School...?" she inquired. Namjoon nodded, giving her a reassuring pat. "Taehyung will be attending school again in your place starting next week. We'll go shopping for uniforms tomorrow," Namjoon explained. Y/n's excitement was palpable as she clapped her hands, eliciting chuckles from everyone.

"Thank goodness she's happy now. She was pouting earlier after losing to me 14 times in the game," Jungkook remarked to Namjoon in Korean, which Y/n understood well, as she shot him a playful glare. "How do you expect me to win when I'm totally new to games?" she retorted. Jungkook chuckled, ruffling her hair affectionately.

"Alright, let's forget about all that. I'm starving. Let's go eat before Jin starts rapping," Namjoon suggested, prompting everyone to head to the dining area.

Y/n's POV

After lunch, Namjoon called me aside for a chat. I entered his room, taking a seat as he motioned for me to do so.

"What is it, Oppa?" I inquired, meeting his gaze.

"Y/n-ah, I've called you here to discuss something important. Pay close attention," Namjoon said, drawing my focus.

"As you know, you've been admitted to a prestigious school. While you're guaranteed a degree, you'll need to put in effort from your side," Namjoon explained, and I nodded in understanding.

"Tomorrow, we'll buy your school uniforms, and you'll also begin training as a K-pop trainee at HYBE Company," Namjoon continued, earning another nod from me.

"As Taehyung takes over your schooling and training, you'll also be trained. We'll personally oversee your development. Additionally, until you return to your original body, I'll homeschool you," Namjoon elaborated, sensing my inner conflict.

"Oppa, I feel..." I began, but Namjoon interrupted with a reassuring pat on my head. "I understand what you're feeling, Y/n-ah. This is for your future. While we have a nine-month break, you must exert yourself during this time," Namjoon encouraged, urging me to push past my doubts.

"Not only Taehyung, but you must also endure. As a member of BTS, Taehyung has to perform for ARMYs. After nine months, you'll take his place on stage. That's why your training is crucial. You must put in extra effort," Namjoon stressed, and I reluctantly nodded, preparing to face the challenges ahead.

"Okay, Oppa. I'm ready to face the struggle. It'll all be worth it in the end," I affirmed, receiving a proud smile from Namjoon.

"My Y/n is very mature," he praised, and I returned the smile.

"Oppa," I addressed him, prompting his attention.

"What about Korean language? I don't know how to speak Korean," I confessed, and Namjoon smiled reassuringly. "We'll teach you Korean as well," he assured, though I sighed at the impending challenge.

"We're all here to support you, Y/n-ah. You're like family to us now. We'll always be here to guide you through," Namjoon said warmly, and I felt a surge of gratitude.

"So, Y/n-ah, are you ready for your future?" he asked, and I nodded resolutely. With that, we exited the room, prepared to face what lay ahead.

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