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Taehyung Pov

"I'm not hungry," she replied dismissively, returning to her slumber without a second thought.

"Fine, suit yourself," I muttered, flicking off the lights and leaving the room, slamming the door shut behind me.

Why did I even bother asking her? I should've let her starve for all I cared. Who was she to me anyway?

Downstairs, everyone had already started dinner. I took my seat and began eating, trying to push aside the thoughts of Y/n and her infuriating indifference.

"Taehyung-ah, where's Y/n?" Namjoon hyung inquired, breaking through my inner turmoil. I glanced up briefly, my focus still on my food. "In the bedroom," I replied curtly, taking another bite.

"You didn't call her for dinner?" Namjoon persisted, his concern evident. "I did," I responded tersely, not bothering to look up. "Then why isn't she here?" he pressed further, and I stifled a silent scoff.

"Your princess Y/n doesn't want to eat dinner," I replied sarcastically, my tone dripping with bitterness as I forced a smile. Namjoon sighed in response, clearly troubled.

"I'll go and call her," he said, rising from his seat. Why did everyone care so much about her while ignoring me? It irritated me to no end, but I continued eating, my frustration boiling just beneath the surface.

Namjoon's POV

I sighed as I made my way to Taehyung's room, wondering why Y/n hadn't joined us for dinner. Entering the room, I found her sleeping on the couch, looking uncomfortable. I gently shook her shoulders, calling her name softly.

"Y/n," I said, trying to rouse her from her slumber. She stirred slightly, her forehead glistening with sweat. As she woke up, I noticed her shivering, and a sense of concern washed over me.

"Oppa," she mumbled weakly, her voice trembling. I quickly fetched the medical kit and checked her temperature. "106.8°F," I gasped, realizing the severity of her condition.

Hastily, I brought a thick blanket and wrapped it around her, attempting to provide some warmth. But when I tried to help her stand, she lacked the strength to do so. I hoisted her onto my back, carrying her to Taehyung's bed and laying her down gently.

I rushed downstairs to fetch water and a damp cloth, my mind racing with worry. "Namjoon-ah, what's wrong?" Jin hyung asked as I hurried past him. "Y/n has a fever," I explained hastily, my thoughts consumed by her well-being.

"I'm going to make porridge for her," Jin said before heading to the kitchen, as concern etched across his features.

As I made my way back upstairs, the others gathered around, their faces reflecting a mix of shock and concern. "What happened?" Jungkook and Jimin asked simultaneously as they followed me.

"Y/n has a high fever," I informed them, shooting a pointed look at Taehyung, who seemed indifferent to the situation. His lack of concern only fueled my frustration, but now wasn't the time to confront him.

"How is she now?" Jungkook asked, his worry palpable. "She's shivering uncontrollably, despite being under a thin blanket," I replied, my gaze lingering on Taehyung, who remained aloof.

Jungkook was visibly angered by Taehyung's indifference, but I urged him to focus on Y/n instead. "Leave him," I said, restraining Jungkook's impulsive reaction. "Y/n needs us now."

Entering the room, we found Y/n curled up under the blanket, her body trembling with chills. I decided to turn on the room heater to provide some warmth. Meanwhile, Jungkook brought lukewarm water, and Jimin fetched the medical kit for fever relief.

As I tended to Y/n, changing the damp cloth on her forehead, I couldn't help but feel a surge of guilt. She looked so vulnerable, and I couldn't shake the feeling that I hadn't done enough to care for her.

I turned to Jungkook and Jin, instructing them to take care of Y/n while I prepared some honey water and fetched the necessary medication. "Take care of her, both of you," I said, my voice tinged with regret.

Heading downstairs, I noticed Taehyung still eating his dinner, seemingly unfazed by the situation. His indifference infuriated me, but I pushed aside my anger, focusing on Y/n's well-being instead.

To be continued...

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