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I smiled at the manager after opening the door. She welcomed me in.

I took a seat opposite to her. She was telling about the new dresses designed by them.

She told me about a girl from their staff that she will help me.

She called the girl and I waited there. After some minutes a girl entered the room. She was holding so many files and some designs of dresses were visible on papers which were goons fall any second from her hold.

I eyed her as she walked into the room. She has a genuine smile on her face. She greeted me and the manager.

She put the files gently on the manager's desk and stand beside her chair. She chained her hands in front of her in a nice manner.

The manager explained her everything and showed some papers too. I eyed them both excitedly and curiously. After thy have done, the manager gave her some bundle of papers and gave her some last instructions.

After that she told me to model properly and...

I left the room with the girl. I think her name was jinhuyu Kim. She was so pretty.

She look at me smiling at my stare. I realised that I was staring at her for too long. "Y-you are s-so...p-pretty" I said hesitantly shuttering.

I mentally scolded myself for shuttering. She smiled at me and a blushed crept on her face after listening my words.

"Thank you" she said smiling at me with her pink cheeks. She was so much pretty. She looked so cute.

She signaled me to enter inside a room. I followed her signal and look at a big door in front of me. I never realized that we have walked to our destination.

I smiled at her and entered inside the room, it was very big and was covered in purple and shades of pink. There was a camera setup in front of the wall of the room. The wall opposite from the camera was covered with green layer of fabric.

It was a green screen. I looked at jinhuyu who was standing in front of the camera. There were two other doors on the either side of the camera setup.

The camera was setup in the middle of the room.

There were some other people in the room who were planning something and were busy in doing their jobs.

Jinhuyu motioned me to a door on the left side of her."change your clothes, we have already put them in the room. The new designs are hanging in the room" she said smiling and motioning me to get inside.

I get inside a room which was filled with clothes and different things like hairbands, shoes, sandals, makeup items and all.

I look at the empty space in front wall and there was a big poster hanging on it. There were some new dresses printed on the poster.

I looked at all of them and then my eyes landed on a big closet beside the poster. I can't wait to see what is inside so I walked to the closet and opened it.

There were so many clothes hanging but only newly released. There were the clothes I need.

I quickly grabbed a random dress as I know it is new and I have to model wearing it so this is why.

When I wore the dress, it fitted me perfectly. Then a lady with thick glasses resting on her nose came inside. She has some makeup products in her hand.

She was looking like a makeup artist.

She look at me with complete shock and then she told me to sit on the seat in front of the mirror.

I do the verbs as I was told. Then she started doing my makeup.

I came our of the room and a gasp left jinhuyu's lips when she looked at me. I frown at her expressions and asked if something is wrong.

She just nodded her head side to side "you look amazing y/n, this is going to be our best design" she said with happiness laced in her voice.

She told me to come in front of the camera means on the green screen.

She told me to pose and the photographer came in front of the camera. I hear some clicking noises and flashes of camera.

There were some other people too who were clicking photos from their own phone

A sigh left my lips. It was a very exhausting day but I made a friend.

I looked outside the window of the taxi in which I was sitting.

I looked at the busy street in front of me. Many people were walking around and may cars and vehicles were passing by.

The taxi stopped in front of my apartment. I looked at the driver and then I took out the money he wants.

I gave it to him and got out of the taxi. The taxi made its way towards the path from which we came.

I looked back to the big building and then I sigh thinking about the food. I have to made food ad I am so much exhausted to do that but it is okay cause I have to feed someone, my stomach.

I heard a sound from my stomach which means I am hungry.

I walked inside the apartment and I was greeted by adrin who startled me back. I was so scared at the sudden movement. I grab my chest.

He laugh at my reaction. "It is not funny" I said with a angry pretending face.

I laughed with him too and then suddenly his grandma appeared. She smiled at me and greeted me.

I greeted her back. She asked me about my day and then she invited me for dinner.

At first I denied but adrin and grandma both were insisting me so I agreed as I was hungry too much.

She lead me to a room and then she told me and adrin to wash our hands.

We sat around the table which was filled with delicious good. I filled my plate with food in sufficient amount as others were doing that too.

I enjoyed the dinner with them and bid them good bye. I have spend lot of time with them like hours.

I walked to my rooms and unlock it. Suddenly a n odd feeling rushing inside my body.

I put my bag on the table took a hot shower. After that I came out and eyed my bed. I looked at the dream catcher which was swinging swiftly like
It was wishing me goodnight
Hello!! Hope all is doing good.

Next chapter is interesting. So wait for it and I have update a new story-'the cursed witch' and I am going to update other parts after that book.

Well check it out.
Sorry for short chapters. I have only this much time to write chapters and they end up being short


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