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I scrolled through my laptop enjoying my meal and my eyes glanced at the message I received from someone. I click on that and read the message. It says-

Dear Y/N

We have read your description and your details online and found out you need a job so we would like to request you that If you are willing to work as a model in our shop.

You can be a nice model and we assure that it will be safe and you will probably enjoy it. Please reply soon. We will like to have your permission. If you like to visit our shop so here is the address- ___________________________.

Thank you
From the manager of the NAME OF THE SHOP

I read the message the seventh time. Am I dreaming? Or someone is pranking me? No, it can't be true. I just got a message from a very famous fashion store of Seoul and it says that the manager is going to select me as a model for their clothes advertisements.

I was feared when the previous incidents rolled in my mind but I was confirmed that it will be safe after reading the message again. I decided to visit their shop.

I was very very happy. Finally, I am going to get the job. I will be a model. Yayy!! I was very exited. I quickly reply the message.

The manager

I will be highly obliged to be a model in your shop. It is a honour for me. Thank you very much for your request. I would like to visit you in person so, I will arrive at your shop at 4:00p.m.

Please tell me if your are free to give me your precious time at the given hour above.

Thank you
Yours truly

I clicked the send button after rereading the message. I send the message and I get a quick reply that I can visit her at 4:00 p.m. I was so much happy. I quickly shut my laptop and took the utensils with me to wash them.

I washed the dirty plates and bowls covered with pieces food and after that I put them at their respective place and wiped my hands.

It was 1:45 p.m which means I have time to select a nice outfit for me and get ready. I should select a nice outfit because they are going to make me a model so selecting my clothes randomly will not be a good impression.

I walked to my room and I was feeling something is missing and my eyes landed where the dream catcher was hanged before I left it in the garden in front of the apartment.

I looked away thinking about what to do. I decided to collect my documents and put my phone in charging.

And now the time for selecting clothes which will take so much time so should start now.

I walked to my closet and opened it. It was full of so many of my clothes.

 It was full of so many of my clothes

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