Fire (Fuyuhiko x yandere reader)

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(This was requested by AgustDbabes.)


"Today's finally the day. I may be sacrificing a lot, and I'm doing something extremely risky, but it will all be worth it in the end if it works. Because Fuyuhiko is the only person who can make me happy, and I'm the only one who can make him happy."

"C'mon, you two." Fuyuhiko's voice filled my ears, and I nodded silently. Peko, my sister, started walking on his left side. I walked on his right.

We were twins, with her being the older one. We may have the same red eyes, but that was all that we had in common. She thought of herself as a tool, and nothing more. Meanwhile, I saw myself as the one who was destined to be with Fuyuhiko.

Ever since we were kids, I'd always loved Fuyuhiko despite his tsundere personality, but at some point, something snapped. It was the moment I figured out my own sister had feelings for him as well.

"I'm sorry, Peko, but this has to be done. I'll make sure he doesn't break down and go insane. I'll protect him. No matter the cost. Even if it means getting rid of you. It's your fault for getting in my way in the first place..."

"You know, you two don't have to guard me all of the damn time. We're in our own fucking house." Fuyuhiko grumbled.

"It is our duty to protect you, Young Master. We were raised to do so." Peko answered. Fuyuhiko turned to me, expecting an answer from me as well.

"She's right. Besides, I think of it as just being protective over a friend." I gave him a faint smile, and I heard him huff before looking forward again.

"He has the cutest face. It's hardly changed since we were kids."

All three of us were raised together, which meant that I had intense training, but different training than my sister. Peko was the Ultimate Swordswoman, and I was the Ultimate Protector. Which meant I was well-versed in various offensive and defensive techniques.

The three of us arrived in the dining room, and I saw that the rest of Fuyuhiko's family was there. His mother, his father, and his bitch of a sister. We sat down at the table, and waited for our food to be served.

One of the cooks of the house rolled out our food and drinks. He placed the plates and our requested drinks down, and then left. The good thing about knowing the family so well is what they preferred to drink. Specifically, which drinks to slip some simple sleeping drug into.

So I patiently waited as the Kuzuryu family began talking about various yakuza things. When I saw them each take a drink, I was grinning internally. I noticed that Peko had also taken a drink. I looked at my glass, and took a sip. Just to seem less conspicuous.

Once we finished dinner, everyone headed off to their respective rooms. When me and Peko arrived in ours, it didn't take long for her to crawl into bed, and fall asleep.

"It won't be long now. I just need to wait.

-a few hours later-

I peeked my head up from my bed, and checked the time. It had been a few hours since dinner, which meant that the drugs should have kicked in.

I snuck over to Peko, and I saw his chest slowly rising and falling. I smiled as I snuck out of the room, and made my way through the house. I checked on Fuyuhiko's parents and his sister to make sure they were asleep.

Finally, I went to Fuyuhiko's room. The drug I slipped into his drink was weaker than the others, so I knew he would probably wake up soon. I gazed at his sleeping face for a few moments before making my way to the kitchen.

I made sure no one was around as I grabbed a towel, and turned on the gas powered stove. The main weapon in my plan. I then placed the towel on top of the fire, and I quickly left the room so I wouldn't breathe in the flames that had already started to burn the soft object.

3rd POV

Fuyuhiko wearily opened his eyes, slightly dazed, and wondering why he felt so weird. However, he immediately jumped out of bed when he smelled the strong scent of smoke. He hurried out of his room, and saw that fire was engulfing most of the hallway.

"What the fuck?!" He exclaimed. He started to panic a little when he thought about his two childhood friends in the nearby room.

He was about to run to their room, but a large column that was ablaze came crashing down in front of him. Fuyuhiko yelled out in anger, and looked around to see if there was another way in.

"Dammit!" He gritted his teeth as he looked at the twins' bedroom door, which was also glowing brightly. He covered his mouth and nose with his shirt so he wpuldnt inhale any smoke.

He wanted to save Peko and Y/N. They were the only people he considered as friends in his fucked up life. The only people he truly cared for. Well, he loved his sister, but they weren't exactly that close.

Suddenly, the door slammed open, and a lone figure stumbled out of the doorway. Fuyuhiko could hear them coughing horribly. He gasped when he saw Y/N standing there, hunching over as she hacked.

"Y/N!" He called out to the girl. She turned in his direction, and she started running towards the crackling beam in front of her.

"F-Fuyu-!" She started coughing again as she covered her mouth with her shirt. Fuyuhiko suddenly began to kick the beam, trying to break it down so he could get to her.

Y/N caught on, and did the same. Once it broke, Fuyuhiko unexpectedly brought her into a quick tight hug. She quickly hugged him back before he let go.

"Where's Peko?!" He asked. Y/N bit her tongue slightly before she let fake tears well in her eyes.

"S-She wouldn't wake up." She whispered. Fuyuhiko's eyes widened as he looked at the burning room.

"I'm going in." He was about to go, but Y/N grabbed his wrist.

"D-Don't leave me alone..." She placed her head on his back, begging for him to stay.

Fuyuhiko looked at the room one last time before grabbing Y/N's hand, and they started running towards one of the exits of the house.

When they got outside, they heard firetrucks approaching the house, and they assumed that one of the neighbors had called them. The two began gasping for fresh air to fill their lungs.

Soon after the firetrucks got there, an ambulance arrived as well. Luckily, they didn't have much damage to their lungs, and they would both be alright. However, they knew that no one else had survived. The fire was destroying the one place they called home.

"T-They're gone...all of them." Fuyuhiko was mumbling to himseld. Y/N continued to let tears all. But they weren't fake this time.

She felt a wave of happiness wash over her. She had done it. Fuyuhiko was all hers now, and she wouldn't anyone take him away from her.

"P-Peko...Peko-!" Y/N whimpered. She only did it to keep up her act. She was then engulfed with warmth.

"H-Hey...don't worry. We've got each other, right? We'll be okay....we'll be okay..." Fuyuhiko said. Y/N could feel the boy trembling, and she hugged him back.

"N-Never leave me...I don't want to feel like this again." She begged again.

"I won't. Promise."

(A/N: This is super random, but I need your guy's help with finding a danganronpa one shot book. I accidentally deleted it when clearing my library a bit, and I don't remember the name or cover of it.

All I remember is that there was a two part Byakuya Togami x Mastermind reader it in. So if anyone knows which book it is, can you please send me the name of it?)

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