Falling Asleep On Him (Danganronpa THH)

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(This was requested by NotEllaGoAway.)

Makoto Naegi:

You and Makoto were watching movies together at your house. Your parents were off on a busines trip, so you had the entire house to yourself.

"It's your turn to pick next, Makoto." You said as you stretched your limbs a little bit. He scanned the DVDs that were scattered across the floor before picking one up.

"I'm surprised you still have this." He held up a movie that the two of you used to be obsessed with when you were kids.

"I don't think I'm prepared for this." You chuckled. You had seen the movie so many times that you could practically quote the entire movie.

Makoto put the DVD in the player, and sat down next to you on the couch. After a few previews of other movies that have already come out, the movie began.

A small smirk found its way onto your face as you saw the familiar scene before you. The movie definitely didn't age well, but that's what made it more amusing to you.

However, as time went on, the movie became more and more boring to you. The once fun and exciting movie was now full and boring. At some point, you started to lean to the side, and your head landed on Makoto's shoulder.

Makoto quickly turned his head to see your sleeping form leaning against him. He smiled as he carefully moved his arm around your shoulders to pull you closer to him, and to keep you warm.

Byakuya Togami:

You stared at your boyfriend, who was reading a book on his bed, and completely ignoring you. This has been a regular occurrence since the beginning of your relationship.

Sometimes it didn't feel like the two of you were dating. For the first couple of weeks, you were fine with it since he was a closed-off individual. However, it had been two months now, and you were feeling a little attention starved.

You let out a sigh as you climbed onto the bed next to him. He didn't even bat you an eyelash as he continued to read his book. You knew he wouldn't say anything until he finished his book, so you decided to take a little nap to pass the time.

That's when you realized that Byakuya was leaning against the only pillow on the bed. You grumbled a bit as you tried to think of an idea. Then it hit you: you could just use his lap.

So you scooted over, and glanced at your boyfriend before placing your head on his lap. The book he was reading was raised up to his face, so it wouldn't hit your face. Hopefully.


Byakuya softly closed the book he had just read, and was about to set it on the nightstand, but he felt a strange weight on his legs. He looked down to see you curled up with your head on his lap.

At first, he was annoyed that you thought it was okay to do such a thing without his permission, and was about to wake you up. But then he got a better look at your face. You looked so relaxed and calm, causing a tiny loving smile to appear on your face.

"You are lucky that I am showing you mercy." He mumbled as he gently brushed some hair out of your face.

Leon Kuwata:

"Hey babe, what's-?" Leon's eyes widened when he saw the state you were in. You looked incredibly tired, and you seemed a little out of it.

"Can I come in?" You croaked. He nodded as he guided you inside his room. You sat down on his couch, and stared blankly at the floor.

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