Here for you (Makoto x reader)

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(This was requested by xXKukaXx.)


"I can't take this anymore..."

I was sitting in the corner of my dorm room, shaking like a leaf. My mind kept going back to the trial that had just ended a few minutes ago. I was nearly voted as the blackened, so I was still pretty shaken up.

The haunting sound of the fire engine siren was still fresh in my mind, and the smell of smoke was looming around me.

"If Makoto hadn't said anything, then I'd...I'd be..."

I clutched the sides of my head, and tried to end the loud ringing in my ears, but it was to no avail. Tears started to run down my face as I started to quietly sob.

I wasn't sure how long I sat there, but it felt like an eternity. I was startled by the sound of my door being knocked on. My heart stopped.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" I recognized the voice. It was Hina. Part of me wanted to open the door, and let her in.

But every time I tried to move a muscle,  my body trembled even more than before. So I just helplessly sat in the corner, hoping that another knock wouldn't come.

3rd POV

Hina sighed sadly as she returned to the dining hall, feeling defeated. Makoto and Sakura were waiting for her. Byakuya, Hiro, and Toko were nowhere to be seen.

"How's she doing?" Makoto asked.

"I have no idea. She wouldn't open the door." Hina's shoulders slumped, and Sakura placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sure she'll be alright. She's stronger than she looks." Sakura had seen the determination in Y/N's in past trials, so she believed she would be fine.

"I don't know you guys. I'm still worried." Makoto spoke truthfully.

"You can try to see her, but she probably won't open the door."

"I have to try." Makoto hurried out of the dining hall, and over to the dorm rooms.

He went down the hall until he saw the small portrait of Y/N on one of the doors. He slowly lifted his hand up, and knocked on the door.

Makoto waited for any kind of movement from the door, but nothing happened. He tried again, but all he was met with was silence.

"Y/N! It's me, Makoto. Can you please let me in?" Makoto shouted, hoping that she could hear his desperate voice.

He sighed as he turned around to leave, but he heard the soft click of the door. Makoto turned around to see Y/N clinging onto the doorknob, barely managing to keep herself standing up.

There were tears racing down the sides of her cheeks, and her skin was as white as snow.

He quickly walked inside her room before she had the chance to change her mind. The shaking girl closed the door behind her, and leaned against the door.

"What's wrong?" He asked in a calm voice. Y/N's mouth shook slightly, as if she was trying to say something.

Instead, she just sank to the floor, and let out stifled cries. Makoto got on the floor with her, and brought her into his arms.

She clung onto his jacket, and hid her face in his chest. Makoto didn't say or do anything. He just wanted to comfort Y/N until she was calm enough to speak.

"I-I'm so scared. I don't want to die..." He was a little surprised to hear her voice. It sounded so weak. So hopeless.

"I'm not going to let you die." Makoto said confidently. Y/N didn't say anything.

She was having a hard time believing the optimistic boy. He had claimed time and time again that he wouldn't let another murder happen, but it never worked. They had lost so many friends, each more brutally murdered than the last.

On the other hand, she couldn't bring herself to fully doubt Makoto. There was something about him that gave her a little hope. So she decided to believe in him.

"I...I trust you."

"I'll make sure you, and the rest of us get out of here alive."

"Ugh, enough with all the lovey-dovey crap! It's making me sick." The two turned to see Monokuma standing a few feet away from them.

"Get out of here." Makoto said through gritted teeth. The bear just laughed before dissapearing.

"Are you okay now?" Makoto asked. Y/N had stopped shaking, but she hadn't let go of Makoto yet. She hummed in response.


"I don't think my legs will move though." I chuckled as I tried to stand up. My legs were still weak.

"Let me help you." Makoto stood up, and held out his hand to me. I took it, and he pulled me up.

I felt like a baby deer trying to learn how to walk as I balanced myself. Once he saw that I was fine, Makoto walked over to the door.

"Thanks...for everything."

"No problem. If you ever feel like that again, tell me. I'll always be here for you." I smiled at him.

"I will."

(A/N: Sorry that it's a little short. I went on a trip last weekend, and I'm still a little drained from it.)

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