Jealous Scenarios (Danganronpa 2)

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(A/N: I seriously couldn't think of anything for Hajime. Sorry.)

Nagito Komaeda:

"Hey guys!" You waved as you joined everyone in the dining hall of the hotel. Everyone turned to you, and greeted you as you walked over to where the food was at.

You grabbed a plate, and put a couple of bagels on it with some cream cheese. You placed the plate at an empty table before returning for your own plate of food. Once you were satisfied with what you got, you finally sat down at the empty table.

You let out a soft sigh as you looked around, wondering where your boyfriend was. He wasn't usually this late, so you assumed he ran into some kind of bad luck, knowing him.

As you took a bite of your food, you felt a wave of happiness wash over you. Though he was perverted, Teruteru knew his way around a kitchen.

"Are you enjoying the food?" The small chef walked over to you, and you nodded as you took another bite.

"I don't know how you do it, but I swear your food gets better every day." A sly smirk appeared on his face as he stepped closer.

"Well, I could always show you~" You tensed up as he got even closer. The air in the room seemed to get colder as you saw Nagito hovering over Teruteru.

"Do you mind moving out of the way?" Teruteru turned around, and saw the innocent smile on Nagito's face. He shrieked as he scurried away.

The air returned to normal, and your boyfriend sat down next to you. You smiled as you faced him.

"Thanks for the save."

"No problem. I didn't want him bothering you." He said nonchalantly. You blushed a little, feeling happy that he was overprotective of you.

Kazuichi Soda:

"They're so cute!" You cooed as Gundham carefully held his hamsters out to you. You nervously raised a hand, and let them sniff your hand.

One of them nuzzled your hand, and you rubbed the top of its head with your index finger, earning happy chirps from it. You then moved onto the other three, and got the same response from them.

Little did you know that your boyfriend, Kazuichi, was staring daggers at Gundham, but he didn't really seem to care or notice it. He was getting jealous, and he was getting jealous very quickly.

"Heh. These are just their temporary forms!" Gundham exclaimed. You let out a giggle, and that was the thing that set Kazuichi off.

He stood up from his seat, and stormed over to the two of you. Before you could even say anything else, he began pulling you out of the classroom by your wrist.

"Kazuichi, where in the world are you talking me?" You asked as soon as you were out of the classroom. His grip got tighter, and he continued walking.

"Away from him." Kazuichi mumbled. You realized why he was doing this, and you stopped walking. He turned around, and you immediately kissed him on the lips.

"I won't leave you for him, silly. He's not my type." His face turned as pink as his dyed hair.

Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu:

"Wait out here. I'll be back." Fuyuhiko said as the two of you passed by a convince store. You nodded, and waited next to the door.

The two of you had a habit of taking strolls together during the weekends. You never had any particular destination. You just liked being next to each other. Not that Fuyuhiko would ever admit that to your face.

As you wondered why Fuyuhiko wanted to stop at the store, a hand was suddenly pressed against the glass next to you. You looked up to see a somewhat tall guy in a leather jacket, wickedly grinning as he was obviously checking you out.

"Hey there, sweet thing. Why is such a pretty thing all alone?" His breath smelled of cigarettes, and you recoiled at the wretched smell.

"I'm not alone. I'm waiting for my boyfriend to get something." You said politely, trying not to get on the guy's bad side. He gave off a dangerous aura.

"Oh, I see. Well, I don't think your boyfriend would mind if I have a little fun with you." He leaned in, but before he could do anything, he was shoved to the side.

"Get the hell away from her!" Fuyuhiko yelled. The guy quickly scampered away, showing that he was a true wuss underneath that "tough guy" act.

"Thanks, Fuyuhiko. Remind me to never make you jealous." You thanked him. He glanced away, and held a small plastic bag out to you.

"I wasn't jealous! He was just being a dick. Just take the damn bag..." You took the bag, and opened it. Inside of it was your favorite snack. You smiled as you hugged the small yakuza.


"Yeah yeah, whatever. Let's just go before that asshole comes back." He blushed as he grabbed your hand.

Gundham Tanaka:

"Who are my favorite Four Dark Devas?" You cooed the animals that were crawling all over you as if you were a jungle gym.

Gundham was watching you from the table in his room, smiling a bittersweet beneath his scarf. He loved the fact that his hamsters liked you. You had a way of making them peaceful whenever you were around, and they didn't fight each other for territory.

On the other hand, he got annoyed sometimes because you weren't spending much time with him. He always internally denied that he was jealous of his own hamsters, even though he was, in fact, jealous of them.

At some point, you noticed that the hamsters were becoming more and more tired. You chuckled as you scooped them up, and placed them in their little habitat to sleep. They curled up together in a corner, and you sighed as you sank back down on the couch.

"You did excellent, My Queen." Gundham said as he sat down next to you. You immediately leaned against his arm, and looked up into his mismatched eyes.

"Thanks. Now I get to spend some quality time with you." Gundham moved his arm around you shoulders, and pulled you closer. It took months before he was even able to touch you, so it was always nice when he did something like this.

"Were you not satisfied with your time with the Devas?" He asked. You shook your head softly.

"It's not that. They just get so rowdy when I come here, and they end up taking up a lot of our time together. I want to have more moments like these with you." You admitted. Gundham's face turned a bright red as he tried to hide it in his scarf, realizing that he had no reason to be jealous.

Danganronpa One Shots and Boyfriend Scenarios! [REQUESTS CLOSED]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu