You're so childish babe: Ink x Nightmare

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Ink softly hummed a tune as he swung his feet on the swing, swinging. He felt so happy that his husband built this for him. He loved to swing at nighttime when the sun was setting. It looked nice and it was when the temperature kinda cooled down.

"Hey Ink!" a glitchy voice yelled out from the mansion. "Yeah?!" Ink yelled back, looking toward the back door. He saw Error in the doorway with the door open. "Horror and Nightmare finished making dinner. Come inside and when we finish eating we'll watch a movie."

Ink quickly stepped on the ground to slow himself down from swinging. He kinda tripped from the quick stop but he held onto the rope to stay on the swing. He stood up off of the seat and ran to the door. He slipped off his sandals before stepping inside. He teleported his shoes to the mud room before going to the kitchen.

He smelled the air. It smelled good. He looked on the counter by the stove to see some tater-tot casserole and some chocolate cake. His mouth watered seeing all of the food. He was hungry and wanted to eat it with his hands like a little kid.

He suddenly heard his husband's deep chuckle. He looked and saw Night, he was standing by him. "Looks like your appetite has kicked in, hasn't it?" Night softly said. Ink nodded, then said, "I just want to pick it up with my hands and eat it like some wild animal." Night gently laughed at his husband's words. "You'd ruin all of the food for the rest of us."

"Yeah, so? What you gonna do about it? Punish me?" Ink softly sassed at Night. "I could punish you. Maybe use your kink as an advantage for me." Ink blushed brightly as he quickly said, "Don't fucking say another word about that again."

Ink then turned toward the sink and began washing his hands. Night looked at him then said, "Oh? Is that so? Alright, I should give you an easier time at times." Ink couldn't help but look at his husband. "Really?" He gently asked. "Nah, I'm kidding. I'll always tease you at any opportunity I get. Well, most opportunities I get." "It better not be around your team dick head." "My head isn't the shape of a dick and I wasn't going to around my team."

Ink softly snorted as he shut off the water, grabbing a towel and drying his hands. "Oh really, I could grab one of my brushes and draw many of those dicks on your skull." Night felt his face gently flush. "Oh fuck off; I love you but you better not do that." Ink set the towel down then faced him. "And what if I did?" Night gently shook his head then went over to the counter. "I don't feel like arguing right now. I still don't get how you can have so much energy," Night said, grabbing a plate and began to dish himself with some food.

"Crack, that's how," Killer added, walking into the kitchen. "Hey!" Ink yelled out. "I'm not on crack." "Oh I'm sorry, how about weed." "No!" Nightmare felt himself smile at the childish conversation that the two were having. Well, it wasn't totally childish but how they were acting was. "Let's just eat dinner and you two can drop the conversation that is happening," Nightmare said, walking over to dish up some food. He grabbed a plate then began to dish up as he added, "And besides, myself and Horror took our time to make dinner for you and the others." Ink nodded then said, "Alright fine: I bet dinner will taste amazing." "We'll see."

The rest of the team dished up dinner and they sat at the dining table. They all chatted as they ate. Eventually, they played the movie for the rest of the night. Error and Cross were on one sofa. Horror, Killer and Dust were on another. Nightmare and Ink were on the last sofa.

Ink saw that Night's arm was on the top of the sofa, behind him. He decided to scoot closer and snuggle close to his husband. Night took notice and gently smiled. He looked at his lover and saw that he was snuggled close. He teleported a blanket on both of them.

Ink looked at him then whispered, "Thanks and I love you babe." Night gently smiled then said, "Even though you're childish babe, I love you so damn much." Ink gently shook his head then said, "I love you too, even though you can be such a bitch." He then turned his focus back on the movie.

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