"Yeo how in the world did all this get made" Hunter asks running his hands through his messy hair.

"I woke up at six, and started cooking" I say as Nico, and Kate walked into the room.

Everyone looked tired, and like they intended to do nothing today, but I also knew that breakfast usually was when we all decided the plan for the day.

"At least we know neither of you will ever be under weight" Kate says looking at me and Olivia.

"I'd rather cook too much and work through the leftovers then make too little".

"You're Italian in all but ethnicity" Riley muses as he walks into the room in all white pajamas, which I did find amusing because we all were in our preferred colour choice, Olivia broke that and was wearing a red hoodie but I wouldn't have expected anything less it is one of her favourite colours.

"You're not wrong, now let's eat" I say walking to the head of the table, and sitting down.

I ended up taking one of everything on the table except blueberry pancakes which there were three of on my plate.

"Good morning" Riley says as Ava and Mia walked into the room to join us.

"Morning" both girls replied before sitting down.

"What's the plan for today?" Hunter asks looking up from his toast with an over easy egg on top of both slices.

"I'm teaching Olivia how to ride a horse" I say, looking over at my girlfriend whose long hair keeps falling forward. "Here" I say getting up and positioning her head straight before braiding her hair tightly.

"I don't know what's more impressive the fact that you for once let my hair be something other then down which I will admit I like alot, or that you braided my hair in thirty seconds" Olivia says watching me walk back to my chair.

"I'm taking it out of that braid after we're done riding just so you know".

"Fair enough, I prefer my hair down at this point anyway" Olivia says, and I smirk.

"I think I might head into Jackson I want to go to a bookstore see what the new one's are" Kate says.

"I'll go with you" Nico says.

"Behave yourself when you do, and don't even think about touching my Range Rover's".

"Why not?" Olivia asks.

"Because he likes driving them the most when out here like he has preferred vehicles at every one of his houses. In fact what happened to the two trucks you had?" Kate asks.

"Sold them to a farmer, he wanted them for the sake that his were getting older, told me he'd give me one seventy for them, so I took him up on that offer and off he went with them" I say finishing the final sip of my coffee.

"Always doing some kind of business" Kate muses.

"That's how I work, there's also no point in hiding it I'm an excellent businessman".

"That's why your taking over the family business not me".

"Yeah I don't know how the world will take it when the four of you boys take over your own companies" Ava comments.

"Harrington Industries, and Winters Group will do great, Ambrose Enterprises, and Niles Law and Co I'm not sure" Mia says.

"Note she's doubting her boyfriend's CEO skills" Riley muses recieving a glare from Hunter.

"I'm fixing my reputation" Hunter defends.

Time to quiet the storm.

"Just saying we all have the ability to be serious there's a reason the four of us are the wealthiest future socialites in the USA" I point out.

The Billionaire SummerWhere stories live. Discover now