Capybara-Part one

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After Gemma stopped fighting with Madison over our son we went in for the vote

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After Gemma stopped fighting with Madison over our son we went in for the vote. I sat down in the back as Piney smiled at me. Jax patted my back as he walked by me. "So we all know why we are here. But so we are all clear Hunter asked for a transfer to Redwood Original from Vegas. So let's vote! My vote is a yes!" Clay says as he looks over to Tig.

"Yes!" Tig says with a smirk.

"Ay!" Chibs says, putting his hand up.

"Hell yeah!" Opie says with a laugh.

"Yes!" Piney says as he messes with his smokes.

"Yes!" Juice says, looking at Clay.

"Yes from me!" Bobby says lifting his beer. I shake my head at him. Jax looks at me and shakes his head.

"Yes from me as well!" He says with his Teller smirk. I shake my head as Clay slam the gavel down on the table.

"Welcome to Redwood Original Hunter!" He says as all the guys start to cheer for me. Bobby hands me my new patches as I smile at him. I shake my head as we head out of church and to the bar to take a few shots with the guys. I see Madison smile at me as she feeds Ryder. I smile back at her as Tara walks back in and glares at Madison before heading over to Jax. I see him sigh and shake his head.

"Jax we need to talk!" She says as she stomps her foot at him. I watch as he looks at her like she is crazy.

"Tara, now is not the time. As you can see we are celebrating Hunter transferring to Charming. Which means Madison is also home!" Jax says as Tara looks shocked and then pissed. Madison walks past her and smiles.

"That's right boys... Our Princess of Anarchy is home!" Tig yells as he and Bobby pull her into a hug. She laughs, making me smile. Ryder claps from Gemma's arms.

"Hey... We can forget about our prince!" Clay says as he tickles Ryder's tummy. "Third generation Son right here!" He says as all the guys cheer. I shake my head as Madison laughs at her stepfather. I see Tara scoff piss everyone off.

"You got something to say bitch?" I ask as she looks at me shocked and shakes her head. Madison and I watch as Jax grabs her arm and walks her out of the clubhouse.

 Madison and I watch as Jax grabs her arm and walks her out of the clubhouse

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I pull Tara out of the clubhouse and over to her car. "Look I don't know what your problem is right now... But what you just did pissed off every club member in that clubhouse." I say as she rolls her eyes at me.

"Please! He is not a third generation Son?" Tara says as I lok at her like she is stupid.

"Yes! He is. He is the son of Hunter and the grandson to Happy. Even if he wasn't, he is the son of the princess of Anarchy. That means something to us. And the fact that he is my nephew also means something to me." I say as she looks at me shocked. "Look I get that you and Madison don't get along and never will, she has made that very clear to me." I say as Tara looks at me confused. "Madison will never give you the all clear to be my old lady ever again." I say as Tara sighs.

"She has no say in what we do!" Tara says as I shake my head.

"Maybe not outside the club but inside she says who is in and who is out and you will always be out! Meaning that If shit goes down you won't get protection for it." I say as Tara looks scared as I see Madison walk out and over to us. "Madison, don't start now!" I say as Madison raises her hands.

"Calm yourself brother!" Madison says with a sweet smile. If you didn't know her you would have believed her. I cock my eyebrow at her. "I just came to tell Tara that once Abel is out of the hospital she is no longer welcome to be around the club!" She says as Tara looks shocked and I sigh.

"You can't do that!" Tara says looking in between me and Madison.

"Maddie!" I say as Madison holds up her hand.

"I can and I am. Because I'm the princess of Anarchy... I say who is and isn't an old lady! And you will never be his old lady ever again. Just because you still have his crow doesn't mean shit!" Madison says as Tara looks pissed. I sigh and shake my head. I watch as Madison turns and walks away from us.

"Look Tara just head home. I'll talk to you later!" I say before making my way back into the clubhouse.

After Madison and I left to get a few things I had put into the house, ATF and the local cops busted into the clubhouse, arresting Bobby for murder

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After Madison and I left to get a few things I had put into the house, ATF and the local cops busted into the clubhouse, arresting Bobby for murder. Jax called me in the morning and told me and Madison to meet him at the clubhouse as soon as possible. When we arrived I wasn't surprised to see Tara standing outside the clubhouse. I roll my eyes as I walk over to Madison and Ryder. Madison scoffs as Tara walks up to us. "Can we talk?" She asks as Madison sixes her up and down.

"And what do we have to talk about?" Madison asks as she stares Tara down. I look between the two of them before taking Ryder over to the guys. "If you are here to plead your case about being my brother's old lady then don't bother!" I hear Madison say before I get out of ear shot.

"What are they talking about?" Clay asks, looking from me to Madison and Tara.

"Something to do with Jax." I say as I pass Ryder over to Tig. "Why doesn't Madison like her anyways? I mean she told me what she did to Jax, but this... She really hates her." I say/ask as Clay and Piney start to laugh.

"Madison has never liked her." Tig says as I nod my head.

"Madison never thought she was good enough for Jax. Not Old lady material!" Piney says as I laugh a little bit. "Can't say she wasn't right about her. Tara has always run for the hills when shit went down." Piney says as I shake my head. I look back over to them to see Madison laugh and Tara looking pissed.

"Where is Jax?" I ask, looking back at Clay.

"Went to find Opie!" Clay says as I nod my head at him. "But we have another problem!" Clay says as he points at Madison. I look at him confused. "Jax's ex-wife Wendy is back in town." He says as I shake my head.

"Fuck!" I say as Tara peels out of the parking lot as Madison walks over to us. I knew my wife hated Tara but Wendy was on her own level... Madison wanted her dead! Not just for what she did to Abel but what she did to her as well. I can't be mad. Because it brought Madison to me.

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