Visiting Home Part One

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

I was not happy as we packed up the truck late Saturday night. I was not looking forward to seeing my mother and brother again. I barely slept that night. Hunter wanted to leave by 5 am to beat any traffic from people leaving Vegas. I sigh as I see the Welcome to Charming sign. "It will be ok babe! I will be with you!" Hunter says as I nod my head that I have my husband and son with me.

"Yeah it will! Cause I have you and Ryder with me and that's what matters." I say giving him a smile as he kisses my hand. I went back to looking out the window. I was nervous when we pulled up to T-M. I smiled when I saw just Clay, Tig and Bobby outside but then I saw all the bikes that were parked in the lot.

"Breathe baby!" Hunter says as I let out a breath and smile at him. I watch Hunter get out and move to my side of the truck. I open my door as Hunter gets Ryder out of the truck. Hunter grabs my hand as we walk over to my step-father and uncles.

"Welcome home baby girl!" Clay says as we hug. Clay hugs Hunter. "Come see grandpa!" Clay says as I hug Tig and Bobby. "Ok everyone is inside waiting for my big surprise." He says as I look at him shocked and a little afraid. "Don't worry princess!" He says as I sigh and nod my head. He hands me Ryder and I hold him close to me. "We will walk in first and then you, Hunter and Ryder come in. OK?" He says as I nod my head.

"Let's do this!" I say earning a laugh from Bobby and Tig.

"You got this babe!" Hunter whispers in my ear. He throws his arm around my shoulders as we walk in.

"OK! Clay, what is this big surprise?" I hear my brother ask. God I want to throw something at him and hope it hits him in his stupid face.

"They are!" He says moving to revile me, Hunter and Ryder. I look at everyone a little unsure. Hunter takes Ryder from me as Opie is the first one to walk up to me and pull me into a hug.

"I missed you little one!" He whispers in my ear. I can feel my eyes start to water as I hug him back. "Now let me see my nephew!" Opie says taking him from Hunter as Chibs and Piney walk up to me. "Damn he has Hap's scowl!" He says with a laugh as both Hap and Hunter glare at him. "See!" He says as he points at Hap, Hunter and Ryder. Making a few of the guys laugh.

"Shut up asshole and give me my grandson." Happy says taking Ryder from Opie. I smile as I see Happy with Ryder. Here comes the moment I was not looking forward to. My brother and mother, standing in front of me.

"Jackson... Gemma!" I say giving them a small nod of my head. I was surprised when Jax pulled me into a hug.

"Welcome home baby sister." He says as he holds me tight. I pat his back as soon as he let's me go. My mother pulls me into a hug.

"I missed you baby!" She says and it took everything not to scoff at her. So instead I gave her a sad smile and nodded my head.

"Madison this is Half sack our prospect!" Bobby says as I cock my head to the side.

"Do I want..." I start to say as Jax and Opie yell no! I look at them and Hunter is glaring at the prospect. "OH! Ok! Where is Juice?" I ask as I haven't seen my gaming buddy yet.

"He is still in Indian Hills and will be back in a day." Clay says as I nod my head. I watch as Happy lets Ryder hold his beer.

"I swear to god Lowman... If my son drinks that..." I start to say as Ryder dumps it all down the front of Happy! "Never mind!" I say with a giggle. Hunter quickly grabs Ryder from his father. Happy glares at me. "Please I get that look from your son and grandson. That shit don't scare me!" I say with a scoff as Hunter starts to laugh as Ryder claps his hands. Everyone else looks shocked as Happy smiles at me and chuckles as he gets up and heads to the dorm. I walk over to Hunter and take Ryder from him.

The Princess and the Son Book ONE (Discontinued)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن