Dizzy x Celia

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A/n- hey gals I just wanted to thank you all for all the reads I got, I can't thank you all enough. Also the requests I know I haven't been doing them all but I'm going to try and get them all done soon. This is request I hope you like it :).

Dizzys pov

I was sat being the till waiting for another customer to come in so I can do there hair but nothing all day. I sighed spinning round when I heard the door open.

I smiled sitting up "what would you like today" I smiled but when I looked up my smile got wider. "Celia hey" I smiled.

"Hey dizzy are you busy I need your help with something" she said making me shoot up out my chair and smile.

"I'm not busy the opposite actually" I said making her giggle and walk around a little.

"I need my nails doing one snapped the other day and it's just really annoying me" Celia said.

"Yeah I can do that, any specific" I asked smiling widely. I have had a crush on Celia for years I'm just to shy.

"Can I have a red" she sat sitting down and chewing on some bubblegum. I smiled watching her "do I have something on my face" Celia asked.

"Um n-no" I said turning around blushing. I walked over to the table and got a red colour. I took a deep breath in and walked over to her.

"Which hand do you want me to start on" I said looking down at the floor. She held out her right hand and I started to paint them.

"You doing anything later" she asked watching me. I looked down painting a nail.

"No why" I said looking up at her for moment and our eyes locked but she looked away.

"I'm not busy so let's go to the docks Uma said I could go any time" she said.

"Sounds like fun" I smiled and finished painting her hand. She took her hand and gave me her other one while she blew on it.

"Dizzy what's wrong your acting really strange" Celia said.

"W-what i-m ok" i said and she raised her eyebrow making me look down and paint her nails it was completely quiet and I hated it.

"You you can tell my anything I'm your best friend" she said making me sigh and look at her.

"Exactly I want to be more I want to be with you I want to hold your hand and cuddle and kiss but you just see me a friend" I said. Then she started laughing making me go red.

"Dizzy why didn't you tell me it would have just made everything easier" she said making me look at her.

"What are you saying" I asked looking down. She grabbed my chin and made me look at her.

"I want to do the same with you" Celia said. I didn't know what to say I was ready for her to leave and never talk to her again.

"I don't know what to say when I thought about it all the options was you leaving" I said making her laugh.

"Don't be silly dizzy I love you and I always will" she said standing up and giving me a hug. I smiled and hugged her back.

"Now let my finish these nails then we can do to umas for a date, if that's what you want" I said.

"I would love to she said kissing me cheek making me blush really hard.

"Your so cute" she said making me go darker. I can't believe this is happening to me.

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