mal x fem reader

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A/n- hey guys I'm back sorry I haven't updated in a while I have been busy and ran out of ideas but now I'm back if you do have a request then just comment. I would also like to tank you guys for the 827 reads it means a lot.

Y/ns POV

I was sat on my bed flicking threw some old spell book when someone came in and slammed the door I looked up about to say something but when I saw mal stood there with tears in her eyes I jumped up and ran over to her. She pulled me into a hug and cried on my shoulder. I lead her to my bed and load her down, I laid next to her. Mal laid her head on my chest and I played with her light purple/ pink hair.

"You don't have to say anything but if you do want to tell me what happened" I asked looking down at her.

"It Ben he broke up with me he said that it not working and that he need his space and also said that he has fallen in love with someone else" mal said and started sobbing into my chest. I comforted her while she let it all out. I didn't know exactly what to do but for now its working.

I have never seen mal like this before I known her for years and not once have I ever seen her like this. Sure I have had a crush on her for years and was jealous of Ben but I never thought that he would leave her for someone else. I heard snoring and saw mal had fallen asleep on me I smiled and swished my fingers and we was both in PJs. I got comfy with mal in my arms and slowly fell asleep.

~time skip~

It was morning and I woke up with mal still asleep on me I smiled and sat up a little I saw her eyes flicker a little then fully open. "Morning y/n I'm sorry for last night I was such a mess" mal said and I frowned.

"Mal don't worry about I'm your best friend and I'm glad you came to me it means a lot and I'd you want to we can stay in bed all day and not worry about anything. We can watch TV and just chill" I smiled and she giggled.

"Sounds amazing y/n thanks for being there for me" she smiled. She looked into my eyes and looked back into hers we both leaned in. Out lips touched I smiled and leaned in more and so did mal I broke it and looked into male eyes then realised what I just did.

"Mal are you sure you want to do think, do you have any idea how many people will hat us if they saw us right now" I sighed with tears in my eyes.

"Hey y/n I don't care what other people think I love you and I'm sorry that it took me this long to realise" mal said and I smiled.

"It was worth the wait trust me" I smiled and we both leaned in and kissed but this time it was more passionate. We pulled away and I smiled the biggest smile ever.

"So how about that TV and chill you promised" mal said and I giggled. I used my magic to bring the remote over to us, I saw mal smirk and I put a film on. "I love you so much" mal said and I kissed her forehead since she was laid on me.

"I love you too" I said and we continued to cuddle and watch the movie.

~few days later~

Me and mal walked down the school hallway holding hand getting glares from lots of different please I just shrugged it off I'm happy and they can't stop that. I looked at mal and smiled then out of no where Ben came out.

"Hey mal I have been looking for you everywhere I'm sorry about everything will you consider getting back with me please mal I can't live without you, I was wrong to leave you" Ben said and I rolled ng eyes I was so close to punching him right now but I would probably get sent back to the isle.

"No Ben I'm won't get back with you I'm happy with y/n she's my girlfriend and if you have a problem with that I'm not bothered, if you did love me Ben then you would of never broke up with me just to be with someone else, but I'm also glad you did cause I finally found my true love" mal said and I smiled. She kissed me in front of Ben. I saw his face go red then he ran off somewhere I laughed. We walked off to go find the others, I'm the luckiest girl in the world. I'm in love and I have never smiled more in my life. 

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