"Of course we did, but that's all gotta be a lie right? Why else would the government give out this much money to us if it weren't for spending? Besides you're just salty you got 50,000 private points dragged out of your account. Not to mention you're the one who chugged our class points out the window!" One of the girls got more aggressive with me and yelled that out.

No one's left the class yet, now's a perfect time to establish dominance. It's all a matter of if these guys have brains or not.

"You can blame me for the class points, I didn't consider that there might be a force that we obtain our private points from. However if you spend all that money now on worthless shit you want, you might as well be destitute. You can spend some but don't go below 50,000 for the time being, I have a feeling stuff won't be as easy as this school says."

After my statement, eyes widened in my directions as most of my classmates huddled up to discuss this matter. After a few minutes one of them came up to me as if they reached a conclusion.

Huh, she must be the boss girl.

"Alright fine, we'll agree to doing this but if it turns out nothing is wrong with this school, you'll have to be the class's wallet for whatever we need. Got that clear?" She's a girl of average height with waist-length blonde hair that is tied in a ponytail. Her hair's likely dyed since blonde isn't a hair colour that's natural for the Japanese. Unless of course she's from another country.

Still for a girl she's really getting on my nerves.

"Mufufufu, well no need to worry. I'm already formulating a plan that'll ensure all of you have plenty of private points to spend at the start of each month!" Everyone in the room clapped at my comment but in truth...

I have no plan whatsoever so if one of them asks me about this "plan" I've made, I'll surely be doomed! Why do I always dig deeper and deeper holes for myself?!

"Come on guys! If he's already elected himself as the class leader then we should just follow him for now! Besides you saw how he saw through Chabashira-sensei right?" An angle! An angle has came to my aid!

The girl who spoke has short beige-colored hair paired with gradient crimson eyes. Something about her seems....off but man is she cute!

"Well how about this? Since we'll be classmates from today onwards, let's introduce ourselves so we could become friends as fast as possible. We do still have time before the entrance ceremony. What do you say?"

A man stood up and what's better, his hair isn't dyed! He does seem to look like an honour student. Based on his appearance alone, I can tell he's not a delinquent.

What's more is how he'd just done something incredible. The majority of students here were lost in thought.

"Agreed! After all we still don't know a thing about each other, not even our names." Someone shouted.

The ice has finally been broken, the previously hesitant students are now willing to speak what's on their mind.

"Well I'll start. My name's Hirata Yousuke, back in middle school lots of people call me Yousuke so feel free to use my first name! My hobbies are sports in general, especially soccer. It's an honour to be acquainted with all of you."

Hirata just effortlessly introduced himself! On top of that he even talked about his love for his favourite sport! His level of popularity must have sky rocketed just now, I wouldn't be surprised if he could keep the class honest and motivated until graduation.

The Genius Above ElitesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя