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you slept in charlie's room for the night, you couldn't sleep though. being alone just reminded you of how the nice touch of warmth ron would give you every night by cuddling with you.

you question it's weird to have a friendship like that but rons probably just a teddy hugger at night while you just loved ron hugging you.

i had no sleep, zero %. i stayed up all night crying and re thinking that situation. i loved it until the end.

i didn't want to get out of charlie's room but it's already 6am, might as well wake up early and get some food before anyone finds me.

i slowly and quietly open the door and tip toeing out, i slowly walk up the stairs but the problem was they were squeaky.

every movement i made it would make a noise. i hate these stairs.

i finally got to the bathroom trying not to wake anyone, i slowly close the door quietly and turn on the faucet sink, only a little amount of water was used so i wouldn't make noise.

i got my tooth brush and started brushing my teeth.

i was now done and slowly left the bathroom trying to make noise again.

i made it to charlie's room laying in bed again.

i honestly don't care if i miss dinner it's just going to make ron feel guilty for what happened.

it was now breakfast and molly called us to come down but i ignored it and stayed in charlie's room.

i could hear people talking from the vents echos so i listened.

"hey wheres y/n?" fred said.

"i'm not sure?" hermione replied.

cedric then had a suggestion " did she run away?!"

"i don't think so that's unlike y/n."

"i'll search for her!" harry said.

"ok." everyone agreed.

ron didn't say one word which everyone caught.

"hey ronniekins why aren't you eating or talking?" the twins say

ron brought up his shoulders and muffled "i don't know"

"he better feel guilty" i say to myself.

i came down to breakfast with no sight of y/n. oh great is she skipping food because of me?!

i'm an idiot

i just wanna punch myself in the face right now.

"hey wheres y/n?" fred said.

they noticed..

"i'm not sure?" hermione replied.

cedric then had a suggestion " did she run away?!"

"i don't think so that's unlike y/n."

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