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It was the next day after the party and the whole "ben situation"

i can't believe it though, bennett mallard, y/n diggory, KISSING?!

i was flushed with so many butterflies when we kissed, it was romantically perfect in my perspective.

i had so many thoughts and questions in my mind thinking about the kiss. Does it mean we're official? Maybe? i just have to go with the flow.

I was walking to the great hall for breakfast. As i enter the room with chattering all around i see my friends in a group with each other.

"y/n!" mione said.

harry just stood there looking at his food probably day dreaming about lee's sister.

today hermione didn't wake me up for some reason? i'm not upset about it really, i never like waking up early. i just found it strange. is she hiding something from me?

"hey" i say sitting down.

i look in front of me and i see a sad ginger not eating.

"hey ron." i say trying to make conversation

"hm? oh, hi" he said looking up quickly then back down.

"what's wrong? your obviously not eating so something is up."

"nothing is going on diggory." he says angrily dropping his fork on the table.

everyone turns to ron with eyes all on him.

"i'm leaving this bloody place if you need me don't find me."

what the bloody hell is going on with ron?

i was sitting with hermione and harry but harry was still stuck thinking about lee's sister, godrick everyone is in love.

especially y/n, is she blind?

bloody mallard got her first. pathetic.

i known her for i don't even know anymore!

we had a perfect bond together and what happens she falls bloody in love with a git.

ive been there for her plenty of times.

as i'm moving the yoke on my egg with my fork i see
y/n walking towards us.

godrick i really don't want to see her at the moment.

"hey ron."

i pretended like i didn't know she was there at first so..

"hm?" i take a glance up and see her face "oh, hi."

"what's wrong? your obviously not eating so something's up."

thinking like she knows me so well, i need to leave now i can't see her face.

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