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its ben a whole month ever since me and ben have been together. not going to lie it was the best! dates at Hogsmeade, at the black lake, and sometimes when we study for tests or exams we make it a little date at the library.

everything is going splendid easy and all but I haven't talked to Ron for a while I don't know why but ever since last month he's been acting very different. quiet I should say not to mention he's been avoiding me in the halls, breakfast, dinner, and free period. did I do something wrong? I mean I don't think so.

I was in divinations class and i was across from Ron. well when i mean across i mean a row behind. we didn't sit beside each other this time. we haven't sat beside each other in any class anymore.

i decided maybe i should send him a note? i mean its the least i could do. maybe apologize for i don't even know what but its worth it. i  just want to spend time with Ron. since Hermione is always busy studying, ben has  other plans and it kind of gets boring spending so much time with him. i just want my best friend.

i pass the note to harry to give to ron he opens it and looks at me. crumples it and puts it in his pocket. i felt bad so i went straight forward and just sent another note  saying my apologies. i gave it to harry who gave it to ron. he opens it and read it.

he looks at me and looks back at the note. he looked at me again and puts the note in his pocket again. well at least i tried i smiled at him to let him know i understand. i guess its over with me and ron being best friends.

i continue to listen to professor Trelawny's teachings about time and how it can effect the future. until i see ben looking at me with a stare. what's up in his ass? (free pass M)


it was now the end of class, i was walking out towards the door until ron grabs my arm.

"hey.." he says scratching the back of his neck looking down at the floor.

"hi" i say also awkwardly

"look I'm sorry if I've been a jerk i know i should've not ignored you. it just some... Things have been going through my mind."

"i understand I'm sorry if I've been too distant from you. i just needed to understand my relat-'

"yeah..i understand you don't have to be sorry for anything."

"best friends?" i say curiously.

"of course."

"oh by the way.. do you maybe want to.. spend time together like maybe just the two of us?

"yes that would be brilliant!"

"great! is 5 o clock okay? i promise ill show up this time."

as i walk with ron out the class i see ben standing there waiting for me.


"im sorry ben im going to go to herbology with ron today, ill meet you later?"

"actually is it okay if we go to the three broomsticks later? you know like a little date say at 5 o clock?"

"actually i cant today. i have plans with ron.."


"we could try tomorrow?"

"oh uh sure i guess.."


soon enough it was the end of the day and you were already on your way to the little place ron told you to go to. it was the oak tree you both hangout a lot together.

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