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"CONGRATULATIONS TO THE 100 THAT PASSED." Mera lazily spoke through the intercom. " Um, please watch this." The screen turned one showed the city area from the elimination phase of the exam.

"Why are we looking at this?" Hisaki raised a brow in confusion. Bakugo stood next to her, holding Kirishima in a headlock without saying a word. Hisaki glanced at the red head, who only gave a sheepish grin. Poor Kiri.

All of a sudden, on the large, tv screen the buildings were exploding, decimating offices, skyscrapers, and apartments. "What in the power of friendship is this?!" Hisaki gawked. The ash blonde only gave a huff, irritating Hisaki. "More importantly, what happened to you? One minute your trying to blow Kiri's brains out and the next your mute!" Bakugo only turned his head away from her, angering her even further. What the hell did I do? Blinded by her anger, she missed the pink color washing over Bakugo's ears and face.

"The next test will be the last one. All of you will perform rescue exercises as bystander in this disaster site." Mera narrated. "You'll be in a scenario where you already have your provisional licenses and will be tested on your skills to carry out suitable rescue procedures." The girl watched the screen and identified citizens trapped in the demolished and exploded buildings. Many were bleeding while others were bruised, but the screen wasn't close enough the thoroughly assess the damage.

"They are people who have undergone training to be professional people-in-need-of-rescue and are in high demand right now: The 'Help Us Company,' or 'H.U.C.' for short!" At least I know my back up job now. In addition, we will score your rescue based on points, and if you have more points than the benchmark at the end of the exercises, you pass. We will begin after a ten minute break."

"Ah, Shiketsu is coming." Kirishima spotted while eating a loaf of bread.

"Hm?" Bakugo and Hisaki turned and soon enough, Inasa and his classmates were walking towards them.

"Bakugou." Hisaki gawked at the furry student. Hair covered all over his body, and she couldn't even see his eyes. Noticing that that her mouth was wide open, she quickly shut it and elbowed her male friend, whispering, "You think he uses shampoo instead of body soap?"

The male didn't answer and only glared at the Shiketsu students. Of course, Bakugou ignoring Hisaki only fueled her momentarily forgotten anger. What is up his ass right now to be like this?! He wasn't ignoring the others! Hisaki internally let out a scream of frustration.

"Did you see a purple haired guy- one whose eyes look like slits?" The furry guy asked.

"So much hair." Kiri commented.

"I know right."

"Yeah, I knocked him out." Bakugo answered with an uninterested look.

"That's what I thought." The guy sighed. "He must've been very rude and tried to force his tendencies on you. We," the Shiketsu student gestured to his fellow classmates, "would like to form a good relationship with U.A. and apologize on his behalf."

"Good relationship?" Hisaki sniffed the air. "I smell bullshit."

"Good luck." The rivaling students ingnored Hisaki's comment and turned around, leaving Hisaki and the others to see their retreating figures.

"Ah, ah, this is working right? Then," The announcer cleared his throat. "Villains have begun a large scale attack! Due to the collapsed building, there are many injured citizens." The waiting room began to disassemble and open up like before.


"Due to the heavily damaged roads, the first group of rescue workers have been delayed! Until they arrive, the heroes in the area will lead the rescue efforts. Save as many lives as you can. Well then,"


Hisaki immediately ran off to enter the urban areas, looking for any injured 'citizen.' As she cleared the debris from her path, she spotted a young girl trapped under chunks of broken building. "Are you alright?" She hurried off towards the girl, quickening her pace. In response to the question, the injured girl cried. "You're going to be just fine. Are there any injuries you have?" Hisaki skimmed the girl to check for any major wounds. "I'm going to need you to work with me for a bit okay? I'm going to slow down your surroundings for a bit so you won't get hurt. Try not to move and if you feel weird, then let me know." The citizen nodded. "Alright."

The turquoise haired girl snapped her fingers and smiled to reassure the girl. "I'm going to pull you out now." Crouching, Hisaki tenderly grabbed the girl and held her in her arms. With another snap time around them went back to normal. "You good?"

The child wrapped their arms around Shimura's neck and said, "Thank you."

"No problem. You have a family or friend of sorts near you?" Hisaki asked.

"A brother..."

"Do you know where he is?"

The young girl nodded once more and pointed to the inside of another damaged building.

"Second floor."

Hisaki patted the girl's head. "Smart girl. I can't bring you into the building, so wait out here until I or another hero comes, kay?" That child is so cute. She held her hand over her heart and ran into the building.

The building had broken lights, and hanging debris that was being held by wires. Turning the corner on the second floor, she spotted a boy, about a year or two older than the girl. Magically, Hisaki took a flashlight and shone it at the boy's direction. "Fuck." She ran towards the child and saw blood dripping from his head. She took out a cloth from her pouch and dabbed it on the boy's 'wound' to deal with the bleeding. "Thank god he's unconscious though." She picked him up bridal style and activated her quirk to temporarily halt the bleeding.

"Brother!" Hisaki spotted the girl running up towards the unconscious boy in her arms worriedly. "I'm going to have to carry your brother to a safer place. Are you able to walk?"


"Okay, let's go." Hisaki and the girl ran to the 'safety camp'. Let's lay him down here. The older teen set down the boy and undid her quirk. Then, she turned to the young girl and put a thumbs up. "You are one strong lady if I do say so myself."

"Thank you!"

"No probs." Hisaki giggled. "You might wanna still check out your injuries though."


The side of the arena (where they're taking the exam) exploded and through the clouded smoke Hisaki saw:

"Gang Orca? What the hell is he doing here?"

"Hello, heroes. The villains have arrived."

"Mother. Fucker."


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