23. Thanksgiving gone wrong.

Start from the beginning

I could see from my peripheral view that Kristrin was not pleased at this and would be clearly angry at his mother's choice of words.

"Thank you Lisa" I responded back to her, I didn't want to say too much on the matter.

"I have to applaud Kristrin as well, he's doing such a great job at being a professional football player. I think we've come a far way in raising two wonderful young adults" My Mom spoke up.

And thank god she did.

"Thank you Mrs Walker, it's good to know that I'm still appreciated. You're a great to figure actually look up to" Kristrin bluntly responded adding fuel to a fire and I was already at ease.

I held onto his hand underneath the table as a way of calming Kristrin down.

"I wish I had Ava for a daughter at least I'd be proud as mother, maybe I'd have something to look forward to but unfortunately I don't" Lisa had to blurt out.

Immediately Kristrin stood looking disgusted at both of his parents.

"Well since you detest you're only child so much and I'm such a fucking disappointment for you two then maybe you won't have a damn problem if I disappear out of your lives and never come back, how about that?" Kristrin seethed.

Before I could try to calm him down from doing anymore damage his father spoke up this time.

"Don't talk to me or you're mother like that, being an ungrateful prick is nothing to be proud of so it's best you sit down and shut up"

"I'm sorry you all have to witness this boy's behavior tonight....."

"No, Lisa. If he wants to go ahead and walk out through that door then we're through with him. It's full time he started thinking straight, ever since he starting playing that stupid football he's been nothing but a nuisance to us now tonight you'll just have to choose. It's either your family or football" Lisa once again chimed in.

"Do you think that's the right way to go Lisa? And I'm not trying to judge your parenting skills but I mean it's his career. He could always be apart of your company and do what he loves, I've seen a lot of football players have there own business, I'm sure there's a way that you three can compromise?" Mom advised Kristrin's parents.

I tried rubbing soothing circles around Kristrin's back to calm him down. It was normal for person's to change careers. I for one think they should be supportive but speaking out against Lisa after she begged me to change his mind would feel like a betrayal to me.

"Just forget it Mrs Walker, they'll never see things the way you do. They want a poppet to be there perfect son and do whatever the hell they want without a second thought, isn't that right?" Kristrin asked his parents.

"Kristrin I think you should calm down" I tried talking to him.

"Annabella, don't you see how badly he's changing for the worst? Have you seen what happens to football players whenever something bad happens to them? There tossed to the side like trash! What's wrong with wanting a better future for your child?" Lisa spoke to my Mom.

"He should see that his mother and I are just looking out for him and not trying to control him instead he's bitching about it and being ungrateful. What he needs to do is stop being a child and grow up" Mr. Slovac insulted.

"You gave me the option before of choosing between my family or my career. Well I've made my choice, I'm sticking with my career so I hope you two can rot in hell and die!" Kristrin spoke shocking us all at the table.

"Kristrin, maybe you should think this over" I tried getting through to him.

"You'll never have to deal with me again. As long as I live you'll never have to see my face again since I'm such a big disappoinment to you two. Have a great night" With this being said Kristrin left the room and headed for the door.

"I hope you know what you're doing Kristrin!" Mr. Slovac yelled while Lisa stood shocked.

"Excuse me" I removed myself from the table to rush after my boyfriend which I was able to catch up to him outside the door.

What pained me the most was the sight of tears in his eye and the pained emotion he was conveying to me. This was the first time I've ever seen him cry before. He was vulnerable and needed me by his side.

"Oh Kristrin" I hugged him tightly to my chest for a few minutes giving him my love and affection.

What just happened definitely had shaken him up. I wanted to take away all of his pain.

"Are you sure this is what you want to do?" I asked him.

"Yes and it's final. I want nothing more to do with them" He responded.

"Are you with me or against me on this?" Kristrin questioned looking into my eyes.

His question seemed double standard apparently, it almost seemed he was asking another question instead of the one that had to do with his parents.

But I was madly in love with my him, I'd never ever give up on him. This was just a phase that will soon come to pass and he'll be back with his parents before we know it.

"I'm with you one hundred percent of the way baby" I reassured him with a smile before sharing another breathe taking kiss.


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