24. Off to a wining start?

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"Hurry up Anna or else we're going to be late!" Steff rushed.

"I'm coming geesh! The game isn't until the next hour so there's no need to rush" I glared at all four men.

"It may be the next hour but finding a damn good seat is hard to get Anna, I'm sure you know that plus you're boyfriend will be there so try to be punctual. It's you're boyfriend's first match of the season" Marco exploded.

"It's not my fault classes ended thirty minutes ago" I chimed back.

"Don't you know you should've ditched classes today?" He ranted on again.

"I am not gonna ditch my classes especially when I know I can still reach there on time" I pushed passed him to enter there car.

"Anna, you have the brains of Albert Einstein. Missing one class won't do justice for those incredible braincells you have"

"Steffon I always knew you wanted me to downgrade my intelligence to your split pea level but it will not work"

"Not another word from the both of you children" Kyle scolded looking annoyed at the two of us rant.

"Ok grandpa" I rolled my eyes making them laugh.

"Anna put on you're seatbelt" Steff told me from my left while Marco sat on my right. Maurice and Kyle sat at the front, Kyle was the one driving.

They preferred taking one car saying it'll be better this way

"Don't tell me what to do I'm not a child" I buckled up.

"I know this is not my place to ask but is this you're time of the month?" Maurice asked making mouth open wide.

"Shut up, it's you're twin that is the problem" I mumbled.

After a few minutes of leaving of driving to the football match, we were passing McDonald's when I suddenly felt hungry.

"I'm so hungry, I'd go for a McDonald's right this instant" I voiced making all four sigh and pull over in McDonald's drive thru.


"What would you like to have Anna?" Kyle asked.

"I'd like a premium grilled chicken classic sandwich, hash browns, onion rings and a salad wrap please" I immediately told.

"Are you sure you're not pregnant with Kristrin's baby?" Maurice asked.

"And even if I was would that be any of your business? No" I responded patiently waiting for my food.

After a few more bickering and everyone of us eating. We finally made it to the match five minutes before the start and found good seat to sit in.

"Kristrin!" I yelled the moment I saw my boyfriend on the field.

My voice was no match for the music and the crowd but somehow he heard me but his reaction wasn't what I had expected, he just looked at me and then looked away back to his teammates.

"Maybe he just needs to concentrate seeing as though this is his first match but I'm sure you're presence here is comforting enough for him" Steff whispered in my ear and I guess he could see my disappointment.

I guess a smile or a wink or something would've made me feel a lot better but Steffon's word did make me feel a little better. We could always speak with him when the match ended.

"You always know what to say don't you?" I pinched both of his cheeks playfully.

And just like that the game began and in a few minutes Alabama State Hornets were in the lead against Boston university terriers football team.

Kristrin was playing cornerback and he was doing a great job at creating a lot of turnovers and deflects, I'd say he looked even better than when he played at Williams field high.

It's been two weeks since Kristrin and his parents parted ways. No calls, no texts, no emails, no nothing.

"Anna and Steff?" I heard My Mom's voice.

"Oh my gosh Mom, what are you doing here?" I asked her, it was half time.

Mom came along with Dad and Antonio. I was absolutely surprised at this. They greeted the others including Steff.

"Remember we had told you we'd try to make it Kristrin's game plus I think he needs all the support and love" Mom responded.

"Thank you so much" He'd be so happy they were able to make it.

"Hello Dad, I can't believe you guys didn't remind me you were coming and we spoke earlier this morning?"

"I guess you could say we wanted to surprise you?" My dad responded as I hugged him.

"Well this is a surprise, does Kristrin know about it?" I asked Mom in particular as I lifted my younger brother.

"Yes, he's a lot busy these days so I'm unable to get through to him most of the days but we do talk now and then. Hopefully we'll be able to speak with him after the game is over" Mom was trying her best to ensure that Kristrin was not left out since his mother and father disowned him.

Kristrin was indeed busy, I've hardly gotten much of his time since the past two weeks, since then I've only ever spoken to him about four times in the past fourteen days.

"I'm sure he'll definitely put aside at least an half an hour for you since you guys basically came all this way to support him" I was sure of that.

"I hope so"

"And what about you Ant boy, I see you've shrunk since the past months" I could tell he at least grew a few centimeters.

"No, I've not!"

"In the next three months you'll be even finer than an Ant" I played around with him while the game continued.

"No way!"

A few minutes later the match game was won by the Alabama state university football team with a very huge margin.

We waited awhile for the stadium to clear before finally meeting Kristrin on the field.

"It's nice to actually see you after such a long time bro" Kristrin greeted Kyle, Maurice and Marco.

Kristrin gave Steff a nod almost unnoticeable to the naked eye before turning to me and my family.

I immediately hugged him, these two weeks away from my one and only boyfriend has been frustrating enough for me.

"You were amazing today" I praised him. He did a splendid job at making his team win for sure.

I kissed him feeling over the moon to be in his arms.

"Ok, enough with the PDA" My dad voiced.

He was still not use to seeing the both of us together but thought he was ok for me.

"Thank you for coming by to watch me play Mr and Mrs Walker, I hope you enjoyed it" He greeted my Mom and Dad while taking Antonio into his hands.

"Yes we did actually enjoy it very much, you're practices seem to be paying off. We were hoping we could catch up after this...." Before my Dad could finish Kristrin was being pulled away by one of the cheerleaders.

"Come on Kristrin, the party is about to start" She spoke.

I frowned at her rudeness, he was basically talking to his family and she just start pulling him away as if it was nothing.

Kristrin stopped her which obviously anyone would expect but his words after made it seem like a dream.

"I have to go, I'll catch up with everyone next time. The team needs me" And with that being said he went along with the slim, tall and pale female with brunette hair.

"W-what the hell just happened?" I questioned, in a puzzled and disoriented state.

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