12. Separation.

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"We need to have a talk young lady" Steff grabbed ahold of my hand and pulled me to sit on my bed as I was packing to leave and be on our back home.

"About what?"

"About what" He mimicked.

"I need full details, what the hell happened while you and Kristrin was away?" He eagerly questioned.

"Are you sure you want to hear things that happened between me and your cousin?" I knew some family members found it gross to listen about there sex experience that there family went through, I know this because I saw it on TV.

"Once it has something to do with you, hell yeah"

"But weren't you in the room the other day after I left to talk to Mom and Dad?" I asked.

"Yeah, but that day after you had left, they went to Kristrin's room and as I was about to enter, they forbid me saying we're too close and that I'd snitch about what they talked about" He seethed.

"You've managed to stick by Kristrin this entire time and avoided me but not today Anna, I need all those information now" He exaggerated.

"Fine, we made love" I quickly blurted out shyly, this wasn't necessarily a topic I was comfortable being outspoken about but he was my best friend so what could I do.

"Oh my gosh! I can't believe this, you guys didn't have sex this time around but made love instead. I taught you so well" He pinched my cheeks.

"Quite down before someone walks in and hears you" I immediately went to close the door.

"So, how was it?" He asked.

I might've been scared to talk about the topic with someone but I was dying inside to share the news with someone.

"A few words, It was Amazing! We made love from the moment we got there to the wee hours before we got here and he made sure to pamper me to the fullest, I wish it never ended" I gushed about every moment. My skin was now filled with goosebumps as I remembered everything he did to me.

"I never thought that dickhead had it within him, you're glowing. I hope you two used condoms because I'm not ready to be a godfather and a cousin just yet"

"That dickhead is my boyfriend thank you very much" I glared.

Just then a knock could be heard on my door and I went to open it as Kristrin came into my room. My father wasn't pleased at the moment with him but they were still on talking terms which was good enough for me.

"Are you ready to go?" He questioned ignoring the presence of Steff in my room.

"Yes I am" I told him as he lifted my bags and went off with them.

"I see you've got him to become an obedient little boy" Steff teased wiggling his eyebrows up and down as we both made our way outside the room. Giving one last look, I kissed it goodbye.

"I hope you two can manage without being down each other's throats for a couple of months" He further teased.

"Ugh, please don't even remind me" I grimaced.

After leaving our rooms, we went straight to the airport and boarded the plane back home. Kristrin made sure to pull me beside him as he found an area on the plane for both of us to sit.

It was sweet how he wanted to be by me all the time and would prefer spending time with me than his boys.

Ever since that meeting between Kristrin and Marco, Maurice and Kyle, I've been getting none stop googly eyes from all three boys. Something that made me feel awkward and cower away as they passed us by.

The bad boy's Intentions (Book Two)✔️Where stories live. Discover now