Three |✔️

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"Min Min~ wake up." I poked his cheeks as his body was sprawled out like a starfish on the bed. "Min Min!" I said a bit louder but his arm that was under my head rolled me over towards him and he cuddle me instead.


I grabbed his cheeks and leaned closer to his ear. "YAHHHH!— ouch!" My eyes started to tear up.

"Shit—I'm so sorry little one, you scared me, I'm so sorry." He sat up and caressed my right cheek. "I'm so sorry." He gave it kisses before wiping my tears away. "Wonho normally screams in my ear and I slap him in the face...I'm sorry." He held my face to his chest and caressed my hair.

"It's okay." I sniffled before hugging him back.

"I'll go make some breakfast for us and let's put some ice on your cheek." He pulled away and I nodded.

We got out of bed and he got a bag and filled it with ice and placed it on my cheek for me to hold.

"I'm sorry..."

"Go make some delicious breakfast and I'll forgive you." I smiled and he immediately went to the kitchen and started cooking.

"So what's your fiancé's name?" He handed me a plate of food and I glared at him.

"Kim Taehyung, and he's picking me up at 2 pm."

"Kim Taehyung...Kim...Tae...hyung, where did I hear that name? I've heard it before..." Min-Gi cocked his head to the side.

"I don't recognise it..." I shook my head before he got his phone out.

"Is this him?" He showed me a picture of the familiar male with a boxy smile.


"Y/N! How do you not recognise him?! He's the CEO of Kim Enterprise!" He showed me his phone and it was all him. "He's 25 so only 3 years older than you."

"So he had Nari at 20?" I bit into my bacon. "Let's see..."

I scrolled further and learnt that he has an older sister named Kim Eun-Jung and she has kids of her own with her husband. They looked cute. There wasn't any information on his parents so I didn't bother to look anymore.

"That was a delicious breakfast Min Min, thank you."

"Your welcome." He picked up my plate and pecked my cheek before going to wash the dishes. "Go to your room and start packing, I'll be there in a minute."

"Okay~" I went upstairs and pulled out my suitcase from under the bed and started packing my clothes.

My eyes suddenly landed on my ring and it made me freeze, I have to tell my parents and Lucas. I honestly didn't know whether I was doing the right thing or not because I wanted to help Nari feel happy again but I was scared. I was walking into some strangers lives and I felt like I had no right to agree or to decline— I felt stuck. But after making my decision, I'm sticking with it and now there's no going back.

"Hey, you alright?"

"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine." I smiled.

He walked over and hugged me. "Don't stress about it. If he does anything to you, call me and I'll beat his ass black and blue."

I chuckled. "Thanks...but I'm worried about how mom and dad will react." I laid my head on his chest. "They might think I'm ruining my life...and say I should be out and about trying new things, not getting married with a stranger."

"That's change the word stranger to a handsome CEO shall we?" I just hummed. "When are you going to tell them?"

"I'm not sure...I might just call them."

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