"morning" He yawned "you guys are always fighting I swear to god" George tilted his head.

"it's not my fault" Sapnap shrugged "it's this guys fault" he pointed at Dream, Dream smacked his finger away.

"you're the one who decided " Dream flicked his forehead, Sapnap yelped and held his forehead.

"ow," He rubbed it "George he hit me" Sapnap pretended "awh does it hurt" George played along trying to hold his laughter after looking at Dreams face.

"gosh why did I ever introduce you to Sapnap" Dream huffed and left the kitchen, George and Sapnap laughed while leaning on each other for balance.

"Let's go to the car" Sapnap calmed down, they soon started driving to the base to train.

"Lift your foot and kick" Dream instructed, George did what he was told "good your getting better" He smiled.

"Can we take a break" Sapnap whined "yeah" Dream nodded, they sat down on a bench in the training room?

"Dream do we have a mission today?" Sapnap asked as he sprayed water on his face "yeah don't forget like last time" Dream chuckled as he cleaned off his sweat with a wet towel.

"I didn't forget" Sapnap spoke "it was on purpose" He hummed "you fucker I could've died" Dream scoffed, throwing his towel at Sapnaps face.

"Disgusting" Sapnap cleaned his face with his towel "there's a mission in Jenna's mansion" Dream sighed as he leaned his back on the cold wall.

"Jenna?" Sapnap raised an eyebrow as he glanced at Dream "Yep Jenna" George stayed quiet, thinking about what to do after he's done training.

"George" Dream spoke "Hm? what" George looked at Dream "do you want to grab some coffee with us?" He offered.

"No I'm good I have to go to work" George rubbed his head "yeah we could order there" Sapnap looked at George.

"oh..yeah let's go" George stood up, Dream and Sapnap stood up, the three of them left the training base.

George, Sapnap and Dream got out of the car and walked to the cafe, it was 7:48 am.

They entered "Oh! George!" Karl excitedly walked to George "There's a party this Monday wanna go to?" Karl held George's hand and lead him behind the counter.

"who is the host though," George asked "Remember the guy that gave you his number?" Karl fake gagged "no way" George replied.

"I don't know actually" he shrugged as he wore his apron "What! come on!!" Karl complained.

"Btw me and Niki and Minx are going to the mall wanna come?" George grabbed a towel and started to wipe the coffee glasses.

"of course Oh! we could also go check out the new store they opened!" Karl pointed out "yeah that also".

"also..what are Dream and Sapnap doing here?" Karl questioned as he glanced at Dream and Sapnap.

"We just finished training" George prepared two coffee glasses for Dream and Sapnap "cool" Karl smiled.

"There now gimme 20 dollars," George said laughing slightly "All alrighty here" Dream handed him 20 dollars.

Dream POV

"You really really like him" Sapnap chuckled "I do" Dream admitted in a low voice for only Sapnap to listen.

"Then ask him" Sapnap rolled his eyes "it's been what? 3 months" He hit the table with his hand "I'm not ready" Dream sighed.

it started raining outside and Dream kept his eyes on the window, ignoring Sapnap at the moment.

"Are you listening?" Sapnap groaned "nope" Dream continued to look at the window.

"you're such a pus" Sapnap huffed, "says the one who keeps running away on every mission" Dream laughed.

"NO" he yelled, Dream just laughed it off, Sapnap hit him in the shoulder "Dream!".

Jazz music played on the speakers, people talking and laughing in the background and of course Dreams wheeze, Rain pouring outside the large window.

everything felt peaceful, happy, relaxing.

I should come here often.

Dream stated in his mind as he glanced at George who was talking to a black hair male.

probably a customer, shouldn't worry about it.

George POV

Liam entered the cafe and sat on the same stool he sat on yesterday "hey there George" He said with a smile.

"hi" George replied while placing another order at the pickup counter "Hot chocolate for glen!" he called out.

George went back to Liam "what would you like to order?" he crossed his arms "you" Liam laughed.

"bad pick up line" George shook his head "try again next time" he smiled "ah fuck" Liam sighed in defeat.

"now what would you like to order?" George said "one chocolate cake" Liam grinned.

"Okay wait here" George pulled out a sliced chocolate cake from the glass box and gave it to Liam "there".

"how much?" Liam chuckled "10 dollars" George put his hand out, Liam gave him 10, he added it to the cash register.

Dream approached George "I and Sapnap are gonna head out now" George frowned "aw I was hoping for you guys to stay longer".

Sapnap stood beside Dream "sorry gogs" Sapnap fake cried "you're such a jerk" George and Sapnap laughed.

"Anyways we have to go" Dream smiled "I'll see you later yeah?" George smiled "yeah" Dream and George made eye contact for a bit.

They waved goodbye and left, George looked at Dream outside the window.

"George?" Liam poked his hand "yea?" George looked at him "who is that?" He questioned "none of your business" George smiled.

"come on! let's get to know each other" Liam complained "fine then they're my friends" George found the word friends a bit wrong.

He spends all his time with them, he lives in the same house with them, he's always with them.

Might as well call them best friends.

"best friends actually" He smiled, he looked at Liam, his expression annoyed or mad.

"you good there Liam?" He cocked an eyebrow as he looked at him "yeah I'm good".

probably didn't like my response.

Maybe he knows I like Dream.

In a not friendly way.

there is a possibility.

George shrugged it off as he prepared another order while talking with Liam.

Vote? :O

Hiya there! how are you? did you eat today? drank water? slept? are you in a good mood? I hope so <3

Decided to leave the angst for later, next chapter probably posting it today yep two chapter's today.

1511 Words

Can't Let You Go [Dnf Mafia au]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें