One | ✔️

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I got out of my bed after finishing my kdrama and  got dressed into a pink skirt and a white oversized hoodie that gives me sweater paws. I brushed my hair and left it down before I left my house.

As I walked down the path of cherry blossoms, I hummed a song that has been stuck in my head and I sway my body from side to side with a smile on my face. Some street food caught my eye and I went over and bought some tteokbokki and water before sitting down on a bench under a cherry blossom and I started eating.

I wiggled my feet as I happily ate my food and watched as people passed by with friends or family, little kids were laughing away as their sibling tickled them or did something funny and it made me smile at their giggles.

As I took another bite of the delicious tteokbokki, a man suddenly came in front of me from behind and kneels down on one knee with a small white box in his hand. My eyes widened as he opened the box and these next words come flying out.

"Will you marry me?"

I slowly chewed my food in disbelief and panic as people started staring and urging for an answer from me. My palms started to become clammy as more people looked our way with grins, I looked around and little kids were looking at us with sparkling eyes and it made me panic even more under all the pressure and I just let my body do whatever it wanted.

I nodded.

Everyone cheered and clapped for us as he slid the beautiful ring on my finger and everyone started to walk away after they got my answer.

"My number is on the inside of the ring, call me."

"Huh..." I nodded slightly before he left.

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