Entry #25

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Ghostbur found himself back in the void.

He looked down, and surprisingly, he was Ghostbur, and not Wilbur.

He was still examining his surroundings when he heard a whistle from far away.

Looking for the source of the sound, Ghostbur whipped his head around, facing two bright lights.

It was a train, and there was a strange figure sitting in the conductor's seat.

Ghostbur cried out, trying to run away.

But then, the train caught up to him, and Ghostbur felt blackness taking over his vision once again.

Ghostbur woke up, in a strange place.

A train station.


The train station felt familiar.

He watched a small black cat walk around, and then it jumped down onto the train tracks.

The black cat then vanished, replaced by a speeding train that ran across the tracks, then disappearing.

Ghostbur felt even more perplexed at the strange situation he was in.

He quickly ran over to the tracks, only to find nothing there, no cat, no nothing.

Maybe he had imagined it.

Ghostbur carefully walked back to a bench, sitting down.

How was he going to get out?

He pinched himself, trying to make himself wake up, if he was sleeping or something.

It didn't work.

Dang it.

Ghostbur floated around a bit, examining the posters on the advertisement board.

Posters advertising casinos, and a flashy one on the top left it's big bold letters that wrote out: "Las Nevadas". On the other side of the board was a large poster messily tacked on, displaying the words "SCHLATT2020" on it. Beneath it was a similar-looking poster, but when Ghostbur moved away the first poster, he found that it was a handmade poster spelling out: "Wilbur for L'Manburg!".

Ghostbur giggled, a strange ecstasy blooming from his chest. He looked at the strange handmade poster again, and he couldn't help but smile.

As he stopped laughing, he was surprised to notice the dull silence of the station. There was no sounds, no footsteps, no rats scurrying around. Nothing.

Ghostbur quickly quieted down, searching for the smallest noise.

There was none.
Soon, the silence seemed to become stifling. Ghostbur couldn't say a thing, it was as if someone had turned the mute button on him.

Then, Ghostbur heard something. The telltale sound of a train clattering against the rails, and he visibly relaxed, reassured by the noise.

It grew louder and louder, until Ghostbur couldn't hear anything else. The lights of the train blinded him, so he squeezed his eyes shut, covering them with his hands to try and protect himself.


A/N: sorry updates have been slow, but hopefully you enjoyed this chapter :)

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