Entry #24

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George stared at the child.

Purpled was staring right at George's chest, hands clutching at George's t-shirt.

After a bit, the blonde started carefully patting his hands to find where George's shoulders and face were, and seemed to be fascinated in tracing the small scars George had from various fights and tussles.

"G-George... Did you always have this scar?"

George checked where Purpled was poking.

It was a small scar, barely noticeable to the human eye.

It was from a spar between Dream and George a long time ago, when it had just been them and the world.

The memory brought tears to George's face, but before they could slide down, they were quickly wiped away by the callused hand of Purpled.

George checked back to see Purpled's face. He was frowning a bit, but soon seemed more interested in another scar. George felt Purpled's hands traveling across his scars and skin, as if he was trying to remember what George's face looked like.

His hands were too calloused for a child who had not even finished basic learning.

No, it was just normal for people who were scarred from wars and trauma.

However, it was still thin and nimble, unlike Dream's hands.

They helped remind George Purpled was just a kid, one that was now blind.

It made George's heart break, knowing Purpled had to go through pain, fear, and suffering, and it was still not over.

George let Purpled examine the surroundings with his hands before starting to talk.

"Purpled, what happened?"

Purpled paused his motions, putting down a small clock that was on the desk.

The boy turned his head halfway around, as if talking to an imaginary friend.

"I'm not sure. I was just exploring the Inbetween when my eyes just suddenly felt like they were exploding or something."

"Oh. Could there be a reason why?"

"I dunno. My eyes didn't hurt before it happened, nor does it hurt right now."


"I know."

"Hey, can you come here, Purpled?"
Purpled spun around, and slowly walked towards George, hands slowly sweeping in front of him.

When he got close enough, George gently talped Purpled's shoulder, letting him know where he was.

George examined Purpled's eyes for a moment. They were the normal dark blue-ish they always were, but with closer examination, George could see small veins of what seemed to be red tracing through the iris.

George felt horrible. It was obviously because Purpled had been in the Inbetween for too long, and had become affected by it.

George hugged Purpled, and the minor tentatively hugged back, hands repositioning onto George's shoulder.

George quickly put down a crafting table, making a few sticks for Purpled to use.

Pressing the sticks into Purpled hands, he took a peek at Purpled's eyes again, not that Purpled would be able to see. It was strange to know


A/N: smimsimksmoskoodhrurhuhryhwjiaokslxncjfbyfbybeisosjdmidmkrmkdnnrinineITSHERE

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