Entry #22

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A/N: finally got this out after procrastinating :D

George cheerfully stepped into the Inbetween, white sneakers squeaking against the marble floors, echoing through the large chambers.

As he navigated to the painting on the wall, he jumped inside, excited to see Purpled.

To his alarm, Purpled wasn't in the room.

George nervously laughed, panic edging into his voice.

"Purpled? Where are you hiding? This isn't funny, ya know..." The brunette stuttered, eyes sweeping over every corner of the small office room.

After a few more minutes of looking around, Purpled was still nowhere to be seen.

Had something happened?

George tried to calm down, reminding himself that Purpled was a responsible person, who could handle being alone.

George decided to wait for a few more minutes, knowing that Purpled would most likely be back soon.

But after a while,  George's worry still got the best of him, and he quickly set out to find Purpled.

George tried to walk as silently as he could, holding his breath while listening for any sounds.

After an agonizing long time, the colorblind man gave up, sitting back down on a nearby marble ledge.

Looking around, George realized he had ended up in some random room, with a large chandelier and curved steps along both sides.

It was quite beautiful, as if it was a marble version of some sort of mansion.

George was about to get back up and keep walking around when he noticed something.

A light purple contact on the ground, glistening with contact solution (yummy contact juice).

George was confused, and he slowly followed the trail of contact solution, until he found a body.

The body of a certain purple-obsessed minor.


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