Breathing quietly, her twin brother begins to whisper.

"Misa? Remember that time we decided we would hide all day and see how long it took mom and dad to notice we were missing and find us? Remember how much our mother cried, and when we revealed ourselves mom had called the cops to find us? The joy and terror on her face as she wrapped her arms so tight around us? We need you, Misa. Just like mom needed us. This time, the Miya man here needs you. We need you. And... We approve. So wake up for us."

Though his words came from his heart, Minato Sakusa had such a hard time letting them out. His younger twin sister was the closest person to him, and he didn't want to let her go. But after what she had been through and the way Atsumu had disregarded himself for her, he couldn't find anything to dislike or protest against with the male. It had been hard. Minato hardly thought that anyone was good enough for his sister. But knowing that Atsumu had been stabbed while trying to save his sister and the fact that he still fought despite having a wound...

Atsumu had well and truly won their family over, including Sakusa, whom, despite being teammates with the Miya twin was reserved towards him. Sakusa couldn't take off as well. He had been allowed three days, and today was the second of three. Luckily, Tomas could take over for Atsumu as setter until he was back. But that left less players for MSBY during their next game. Minato had supposed he would attend a game. Judging by how Atsumu had looked at his sister, he would legally be family soon enough. Ruffling his hair again he gets up.

"Wake soon please."

Those words linger the air, charging them like the deepest blessing as the door quietly snicks shut again. The beeping of monitors continue, Atsumu drifting between dreams and then nightmares. The thought of losing Misaki had completely terrified him, and now it haunted his dreams in a manner that caught him like the jaws of death. Swirling darkness. Buzzing air. The pain. Loss a capitalist in it's presence, suffocating the air that was charged with blood. Everything was pitch black. The grips of the dream was a maw that threatened to shred him the way Yukari would a stuffed squeaker.

The world was spinning, haunting, suffocating. The air wanted to rip from Atsumu's chest with the screams that silently echoed as he gazed down at the blood on his pale, shaking fingertips. He looked down, but couldn't find the blood. Whose blood? Whose blood was this? Where was she? Where was Misaki? Plummeting faster, the positive vibes from Minato that had just been there seem to fade. The world squeezes its thick, devastating presence around him. He needed to go. But he got up only to stumble in the dark. Where was he? He could feel objects, but couldn't tell where he was.

The thick stench of blood led a trail onwards. He needed to find out where it led. Maybe it was hers. Maybe it led no where. Maybe it was the man who started this. Atsumu staggered through the pitch black, only able to see himself. "MISAKI!" He cries into the dark. The blood begins to come into view, the blood and himself now the only things he could see. His feet slipped in it, struggling to stay upright as the empty silence answered him back. It was hot and thick, almost as if he was covered in it.

Silence, eerily calling to him now as the nightmare has fully cast its spell. It had to be a dream. Somewhere he couldn't see or touch Misaki's hands ever again. This wasn't a nightmare. This was hell. Where was the fire? Where were the demons? Were they inside him? He felt the pain. This couldn't be true. She just couldn't be dead. "Misaki, please... I don't want to be alone... I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry I wasn't there. It's my fault. This is all my fault. I should've seen you inside before I left," He cries, voice choked with sobs.

It vibrating air hums deeper, the dark seeming to swirl around, determined to erase him too. Was this how it ended? Was he really dreaming? What if she was really dead... No. He couldn't handle that. He could not handle being alone. Everything would be done for. No one for him to play for. To dedicate his tosses to secretly in his heart... She had become his universe and now the dark was trying to take everything away from him. It was like Misaki was being ripped from him, body and soul, and there was no power in the world that could stop it.

The suffocating in his chest grew deeper as he struggled on. It seemed as if nothing would ever reunite him with her. If she wasn't here, where was she? Somewhere in the dark, beyond the trail of blood echoes a scream, the pitch raising the hair on the back of his neck. "MISAKI! Hang in there! I'm coming!" He yells, his voice going hoarse. It had to be her. It had to be. His lips open and close, mumbling her name over and over with a prayer. A prayer specifically to guide him safely to her.

The darkness became more and more dense, sucking at him like a babe to a teat. It wanted him to fail, to fall under. The cries ahead were filled with pain. Begging, pleading for it to stop. The shivering could be heard in the air, the thick stench of blood coupled with death. No, it couldn't be her. It couldn't. What about Misaki? What about his kids? He was in denial. This didn't make sense. How could the dark be this dark? This omnipotent? This had to be a lie. It couldn't be his reality. To chase a Phantom... Wake up. Please.


All he wanted was to open his eyes.

See the light.






Is that blood?

Is it hers?

Or his?





No! No! "NO!" He would follow her if she was gone.

If she was gone... He didn't deserve to be here.

Is this real? Is it over?

She's gone, face it Tsumu.

Poor Miya Atsumu. Couldn't even protect the mother of his kids.

You deserve this.




Wake up, idiot! MOVE!

The turmoil was ripping him apart. He was suffocating. Her name tumbled from his lips over and over again as a silent prayer. If he could just turn back time...

No. She's gone. She's not here.






"Misaki. Misa, I-"







"It's okay. Wake up Tsumu."









Slowly, the tired, Nightmare ridden eyes shifted open....

And then met hers.

"You found me."

Set To The Skyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें