Chapter Eight.

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This chapter is dedicated to PaigeyLou for being an amazing fan and helping me ^-^ This chapter wouldnt be written without her help

A/N: Sorry, this took over a month to update! Updates will be more persistent from now on I promise, just had some severe writers block. But I’m back now! Hope your New Years was grand! Here’s to the first update of 2013!

In the back of my head I was kind of curious about what he had wanted to talk about, but then I remembered the dream that sent chills down my spine and thought perhaps it was better if I didn’t know. I shivered as I crawled into bed, maybe I could squeeze in one more hour of sleep before I was forced to get up, although what if the dream continued? I mean even though nothing actually happened, I didn’t need that on my conscience.

Just as my head hit the pillow, my phone started to blast a generic ringtone; I rolled over to the wooden nightstand and grabbed it.

It was my mother. I thought for a moment about not answering, but then she’d assume something was wrong, and she’d keep calling. I decided to answer, I yawned as I put the phone to my ear.

“Hello” I yawned.

“Paige! Why haven’t you called me?! Did you know that all of my friends have been called by their kids?! How dare you not call me?! Don’t you know how bad that would make me look?! Did you even think about how that would make me look?! No! You didn’t! Because you never think of anyone but yourself! God, you make me so ashamed to even admit you’re my daughter! No wonder you’ve never had a date! If you were attractive, you’d think someone would look over your disability. But you aren’t! If you had a great personality, someone would look over your ugliness and bitterness, but you don’t! So they won’t! Why did I have to give birth to freak?! I did nothing wrong!” she yelled, and every word, ever statement, every question, was like knives into my heart…I could feel the burn of the tears behind my eyes, threatening to set themselves free.

Not yet, I told myself. Not yet.

“Did you call me just to insult me, mom?” I said without any emotion.

“Hey sweetheart, the truth hurts? Well, that’s why it’s the truth, I’m only being one hundred percent honest, and I mean do you really think a boy is going to want you when you look like that? Talk like that? And especially walk like that?” she asked, and I could hear the smugness in her voice.

“Is that all you wanted?” I asked my tone still emotionless.

“How are you, Paige?”


“Isn’t today your first day of college?”


“Well, call me later and tell me how it went,”

“Uh huh,”

“I mean it this time Paige. Don’t try any bullshit with me. You know what I’ll do to you,” she said, her tone was menacing.

“Alright Mom,”

I hung up the phone and placed it back gently on the nightstand, I took one of my pillows, placing it over my face and screamed as loudly as I could while hot and furious tears streamed down my face. I sobbed, and through my pillow against the wall, grabbing my knees and rocking back and forth as I cried.

What had I done wrong in a previous life? Did I kill people? Did I steal? Did I rape? It must have been something pretty damn gruesome for God to give me this body. Maybe she was right, maybe I was a terrible, and maybe no one would ever love me.

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