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Jade was worried. Although Y/n was resting in their room he wanted to go check up on them. They haven't come out of there room nor have they come out to eat. It has been a few hours since they defeated Jamil, they should be hungry. Jade continued to go down the hall with a tray of food in his hands.

Jade finally reached your door and knocked on it three times, "Y/n?"

No sound was made so he knocked again. This time he heard a crash. He opened the door to your room ignoring the fact that it was unlocked. He set the tray of food down on the side table and saw the bed was a mess. He looked around the room and the closet was opened and broken. Then he saw Y/n in the corner of the room.

"Y/n, are you okay?" Jade questioned.

The soft gleam of the moon shined in the room and Y/n seemed scared. Jade also seemed scared as he saw such a delicate figure slowly turn into a beast. The beast had shiny, metal like scales. It's eyes were the same color as Y/n's but it's personality was different. The seemed to have a killing intent.

Jade stood still. He had just seen Y/n transform into a beast right before his very eyes. He couldn't just attack it because he knew that it was still Y/n.

The beast growled and Jade had stepped back slowly. This continued until Jade knew he was close enough to escape through the door. He looked out to see the open door, he ran. Jade ran out and the beast jumped to stop him but Jade had closed the door and the beast was trapped. Jade felt his heart beating so fast, it never bested this fast before. He knew very well that if he said that the beast was Y/n, no one would believe him. And how was he to explain how a beast had gotten into the dorm. No one would believe him.

Jade quickly grabbed a chair to hold the door as he thought of a plan. Not really a plan but just an explanation. Y/n had turned into a beast, great! The beast is Y/n, yep! I was almost attacked by the beast who is Y/n, good! But this doesn't explain anything.

Could this be magic? That was a conclusion in Jade's mind but of all spells, why would Y/n want to use magic and preform magic to turn into a beast after defeating one. Questions ran through Jade's head as he tried to answer each one of them. If it was magic then it would've stopped by now.

Jade opened the door a little bit but was suddenly jumped scared by the beast, the beast which is Y/n. He tried to get that trough his head. Which was really hard even if you see it with your own eyes.

Jade didn't know what to do. He couldn't just leave Y/n as a beast. If he told anyone, they wouldn't believe him. He just needed to keep the beast in this room until morning so he could figure out a solution... or until the spell wore off.


Jade opened the door and he didn't see the beast at all. The window was cracked and broken. It escaped and he was really hoping none of this would happen.

He looked out the window and he didn't see the beast. Where was it? He decided to head outside and look around. No one was around but the beast was.

"Oh, beast." Jade said in a cat lover's tone.

"Grrrr..." the beast came out of its hiding spot and growled at Jade. Jade didn't know what to do, for once he had an action no plan idea.

Jade waved his magic wand and bibbity bobbity boom, a net appeared and the beast was struggling to get the net off. The net wasn't strong enough though, the ropes were getting cut by the metal scales and soon the beast would escape. What would happen then?

Jade decided to make another net which worked but he knew it wasn't gonna last for long. He tied up the beast around its feet so it couldn't run, tied the jaws and the beast was captured. He didn't know what to do now. Jade knew that if he tried to put the beast back into the dorm room it would escape again and people would notice the beast too. The only solution was to take it outside to the oasis or a room where people were restricted into going.

Jade decided to go with the second option since it was easier. Jade used floating magic to make the beast float and looked around until the coast was clear then moved on. Luckily it was late at night that no one was around but the hard part was not waking anyone up.

Jade was close to the treasure. The treasure room Kalim had showed him, that would be the best place to hide the beast since barely anyone went in. Jade checked before going forward.

"Jade." Jade tried to not get startled. It was Floyd.

"What is it Floyd? It's late." Jade said to Floyd.

"Jade, I'm not tired yet so I decided to walk around. What about you? Why are you walking around?" Floyd asked. Jade smiled, this would be easy, he just had to say something Floyd didn't like just to shoo him away.

"Well I was heading to the kitchen. I wanted to check out their mushrooms and see if Scarabia mushrooms are different than other mushrooms. Would you like to come?"

"Eh. No thanks. Oh, and what's that thing up there?"

"Thing?" Jade said hoping Floyd didn't see Y/n or beast.

Floyd pointed directly at the ceiling and turns out it wasn't the beast or Y/n he was pointing at, it was an architectural piece.

"This Floyd, is a design of the hot sands flower. It's very pretty, Kalim told me it wasn't poisonous so I didn't ask any further."

"Oh ok. Good night then." Floyd walked back and didn't even look back. Jade was a bit relieved, Floyd wasn't interested in the flower, he just wanted a boring fact so he had an excuse to go to bed.

Jade continued walking down and checked if the door to the treasure room was locked, fortunately it wasn't and no one was guarding the room. Jade went inside with the beast and closed the door. Jade sighed in relief.

Jade set the beast down on a pile of gold. Jade also sat down on a pile of gold, it wasn't very comfortable so he decided to find a pillow or cushion to sit on. The beast was only laying there with heavy breathing and eyes closed. It seemed tired. Of course, it was still Y/n.

Jade was tired himself and unknowingly closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Mwhahahahaha, I finished! Boom! This chapter is third person POV and also I'm glad I was finally able to get this over with, I'm one step closer in having Vil be with Y/n. I feel so happy and evil at the same time about this.

Anyways, wanted to post this before I'm really busy. Thank you for reading.

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