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Jade went to explore the dorm with Kalim as they 'talked' over the decorations and textures of the place. Meanwhile, Floyd, Azul and I were distracting Jamil with a marble game called mancala.

"Yay! I win again! That's three times in a row!" Floyd said happily.

"That's 5 wins and 0 losses for me. As a member of the board game club I have a reputation to uphold." Azul smiled a little.

"I guess I'm a little rusty. Kalim would make me play with him for hours until he had won. It's been awhile." Jamil said monotone. It seemed as if he didn't really care about winning but he did seem a little off while playing. I can't describe that weird feeling but it was as if he was trying to make us have fun.

"I see. So you and Kalim were childhood friends?" Azul questioned. He seemed to be getting on to something.

"As long as I remember. Aren't the three of you childhood friends; you, Jade and Floyd?" Jamil questioned back.

Floyd answered the question, "Not really. We even had the same classes but I didn't notice that guy until right before middle school."

"What? You've been in the same class but never even noticed him." Floyd totally ignored my comment and Azul spoke, "Well I was a calm and respectful student who didn't stand out too much."

"But if you guys aren't friends then what're you?" I ask.

"We are friends but in simpler terms we're 'playing a part'. As dorm leader I cannot make a mistake or choose the boring option, if I did then I would be taken down by either two." Azul explained.

It did make sense though but Jamil questioned them a bit further then said, "Being born to serve the Asim family I don't quite understand. A master is the master, a servant is the servant."

"Whoa! Mancala! I haven't played that in ages, I remember Jamil and I used to play for hours." Kalim said as he entered the room.

"Kalim! What're you doing up? You're supposed to be in bed." Jamil got up and grabbed Kalim by the arm and saw Jade.

"Hello Jamil. Don't worry, Kalim was with me the whole time talking about the textures and architect of this place." Jade smiled, that smile, I hated it or maybe it was my heart pounding so much that made me hate it.

"Let's get you to bed Kalim." Jamil rushed Kalim back to his room and Jade farewelled them.

Back at my room, the boys and I gathered our information. Jade said that he questioned Kalim about why he was having mood swings and such and even questioned who was doing it. Turns out that Kalim was under someone's hypnosis magic. Whoever hypnotized him was a powerful magic user.

Azul also added that Jamil wasn't just playing, he was playing all of us. He made sure to lose purposely so we could all have fun and play more rounds. He was losing on purpose. What did this mean? Why would Jamil hide his greatness?

Then I put the pieces together; Jamil is the slave of the Asim family, Kalim's family; Jamil loses on purpose, he is vice dorm leader; Kalim is losing favor with the dorm while Jamil is winning favor. Oh my goodness it all makes sense.

"Boys! It's Jamil! It has to be him. When I was with them it was always Jamil talking to Kalim whenever he was angry. Jamil is the vice dorm leader so he must have powerful magic but does not show it since he loses purposely to Kalim. Reason why he loses is because he is the slave of the Asim family and to make sure Kalim doesn't look bad he has to look worse." I said.

"That is true and a huge possibility. But the question now is why? Why would Jamil do this?"
Azul questioned. That is a good question though, why would Jamil do this?

"Tomorrow we'll find out but for now let's all have a good night's rest. I'll come up with a plan soon." Azul dismissed us. Floyd and Azul left to their dorm room but Jade stayed behind.

"Y/n, you did good." I blushed at his compliment.

"It was all thanks to you that I was able to come up with that conclusion. But this doesn't mean I forgive you." Jade walked closer to me until we were close enough to here each other's breath.

"I know you won't forgive me right away but I'll do whatever it takes for you to agree to have me by your side." Jade left the room and I breath out again.

What does that fool mean? I need to focus, we have to expose Jamil.

The next day we all got ready and went to out to practice. Azul was all around Kalim for some reason, Floyd was all around Jamil and Jade was all around me who was all around Jamil as well.

Earlier today Azul had told us to do whatever it takes to keep both Jamil and Kalim away from each other. When that happens Jamil will most likely mess up and we'll get our proof.

"How about we cook something today?" Azul offered. Kalim liked the sound of that, "Ooh! I'll cook!"

"Eh! I can't let you do that Kalim. I'll do it!" Jamil said. I mean I can guess two reasons, Jamil doesn't want Kalim to cook because he's from a prestigious family and two, because Kalim is from a prestigious family he can't cook.

"Don't worry Jamil, I'll supervise him carefully. Today why don't we make some (your favorite dish)." Jade said as he let Kalim put an apron on.

"Y/n will you also help us?" Jade asked me knowing I would say yes, "Sure, that's my favorite dish."

Kalim smiled, "I'll make sure it tastes the best just for you Y/n."

Oh my goodness! Who would want to destroy this beautiful ray of sunshine?!

We had gotten the ingredients ready and started prepping the dish. It smelled so good I felt saliva forming in my mouth.

"Stop drooling Y/n and focus." Jade snapped me out of my delicious favorite dish thoughts.

"Now cut this thin, about a finger width." Jade instructed Kalim as he was chopping whatever it was he was chopping. Was that a chicken head?!

Hello guys! I have school in a few weeks so I'll spam up some chapters until my brain need a break. Anyways, I would like to know what is you favorite dish? If you comment it down I'll add it in the next chapter.

My favorite dish is fried chicken. I love eating it and if you're a vegan or are a vegetarian then I'm sorry but we just have different opinions on food.

Also the reason I freaked out about the chicken head in the last line is because I have a fear of chickens, like alive and running around chickens. If they're dead and plucked then it's okay but I'm still scared of them. My fear of chickens are like a fear of spiders.
I know you're wondering why chickens are scary but I'm scared for a good reason and that's because chickens are evil killers! With their beady eyes, yellow claws, and beak. Ugh!

I know it sound weird that I hate chickens but eat them. They taste good but are scary looking.

Ok goodbye! And thank you for reading!

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