That Jennie Jennie

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Jisoo was ecstatic; she felt like finding an oasis in the middle of the desert. She brushed her hair gently and applied some lip balm on her lips. She checked herself out for the last time in the mirror, tidied up her tucked-in shirt a little bit, and went to find Lisa in the library .

The past days had been tough for her; she only had few hours of sleeping in order to prepare for the mid semester exams. But tonight she was going to see Jennie! She quicken her pace, her little feet bounced in every step she took.

Jisoo hadn't been able to see Jennie lately because of their schedule. She often got home late, sometimes too late to make a phone call. Nevertheless, she was always in need for her daily dose of Jennie, especially after such an exhausting day.

Thankfully, she had her Jennie photo album in her phone. She had picked some new pictures carefully from Jennie's Instagram so that she didn't have to open the app too often, unless there was new post from Jennie.

Seeing Jennie on some of her Instagram pictures was a little bit strange. She looked like a stranger, felt like a stranger. Her lifestyle, her friends... Jisoo tried to understand where Jennie came from, but she couldn't help herself from feeling intimidated.

The Jennie she knew was an open book, she had learned when Jennie faked her smile and when she didn't. She had learned what types of jokes that made her laugh and jokes that made her uncomfortable. Jisoo had learned who Jennie really was despite of the facade she built around herself.

And that Jennie Jennie was the Jennie she saved in her photo album. The Jennie that treated her like a home, the one who revealed her very genuine self whenever she was around Jisoo, naked to the truth of who she really was on the inside; the Jennie that accepted Jisoo without prejudice.

But again, as Dr. Mattu said, we had friends for so many different reasons, and they were bound to be different from each other. Therefore, we naturally adjusted ourselves differently with different people in our lives; changing the way we interacted with different group of friends. Which was okay. And it was indeed okay for Jisoo.

She didn't mind. She had her Jennie, and they could have their own version of Jennie.


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