Pissed off

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"Yeah you go girl!"

Hong Soojoo. Hong fucking Soojoo.

She raised the empty beer mug above her head like it was a trophy. The crowd erupted into cheers and she screamed in victory, claiming her title as the life of the party that night. Jennie didn't want to admit, but Rosé was right; Soojoo was someone fun to be around. She had this charming personality, she was generous with her laugh and compliments. She would purposely position herself in a place where she needed help to generate desire from others to care for her, consequently, to like her. She mastered the art of self-depreciating jokes; she'd make dumb remarks about herself or anything, really, just to show how witty and socially intelligent she actually was. Everyone seemed to like her, she was that pretty girl anyone can approach.

But for Jennie, she was just a little bitch who liked to touch something, or rather someone, that wasn't hers. So Jennie assumed that it was her sacred job to smack her naughty hands whenever they landed on Jisoo.

There was Soojoo... and there was Taehyung. If there was one thing the science students and Jennie had to agree on, it would be that Taehyung is unbearably unfunny.

"Why can't your nose be 12 inches long?" Taehyung made an attempt.

Everyone went silent; it wasn't that they were waiting for the answer, rather, it was an anticipation that the joke would turn dry. As always.

"Because then it would be a foot." He laughed.

It was so unfunny even Jisoo couldn't bring herself to laugh. After a few seconds of painful silence, a small giggle appeared; and to everyone's surprise, it came from the student president, Irene. Her shoulders were shaking and she was fanning her face, her big eyes were completely disappeared; The audible giggle was so contagious that some of the students laughed with her and gave Taehyung the satisfaction he didn't deserve.

"And just like that, Tae lost 50% of his junior admirers."

"Is Irene unnie drunk?"

"Don't think so, she probably was just being nice."


During the course of the night, it was like a game of war both Jennie and Soojoo played without anyone - except few close friends- noticed. Soojoo kept on addressing her as Jennifer and Jennie kept bitching over anything Soojoo said.

At around 1 AM, most of the students had already gone back to their hotel rooms since they needed to leave Jeju early the next morning. There were only a few close friends stayed at The Castle and the argument between Jennie and Soojoo started to heat up. It escalated quickly when Jisoo went to the restroom. Lisa and Rosé wasn't there, they were doing their own thing; so it was only Irene and Bona to witness the cat fight between the two girls.

Both of them were talking simultaneously and none listened to one another.

"Jennifer over here..." Soojoo started.

"It's Jennie..."

"... have you ever been invited to Jisoo's house?"

"I've been to her apartment, yes."

"I've met her dad. I went to her house, real house..."

"Couple of times to her apartment..."

"..fed her dog, Dalgom..."

"..I helped her when she moved in.."

"..oh my God, Dalgom was so cute and her dad likes me like his own daughter. Daughter in law!!"

"... I'm pretty sure she will invite me soon."

"... even Taehyung, Lisa of course, Bona, Jinyoung and who else? I think we've been to her house couple of times."

"...doesn't prove anything to me..."

"... it proves that we're close and we don't need to rent a whole villa complex to sabotage her weekend..."

"Soojoo that's enough." Bona said timidly with an awkward smile.

"But Bona, she embarrassed me while everyone was here."

"You embarrassed yourself." Jennie snapped.

"Excuse me, Jennifer? You kept bitching on me whenever I said something and you removed me from Jisoo all the time."

"Like I said..."

"...just because I said nothing back then to save both of our asses..."

"You made everyone uncomfortable. Jisoo was uncomfortable, let her breathe. Do you need to cling on her all the time?"

"Let's just ask her if she was uncomfortable."

"I don't need to ask her, I can tell." Jennie said with a threatening voice.

"Okay, ladies, we had too much drink," Irene broke up the fight before it was getting out of hand, "Let's just end it right here, right now..."

Jisoo came back from the restroom and Soojoo rushed to her, grabbing her hand.

"Jisoo, let's go back to the hotel. Come on Bona..."

Jisoo looked at Jennie. It was late already but she was wondering if Jennie wanted to spend time together for a while with her...


"Don't go yet." came Jennie's answer.

"Jisoo, we have a morning schedule tomorrow..."


It's me or Soojoo.

Jisoo hesitated and then said to Jennie, "I think I have to take the girls back to the hotel and later..."

That's it.

Jennie went to her room and left Jisoo, Soojoo, Bona and Irene in the living room. She was cursing inside. She had been waiting for this weekend, she had paid for the whole things; and not even a second of alone time she got with Jisoo. It pissed her off. Soojoo pissed her off.

Jisoo pissed her off.


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