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A/N: Surpriiiise :D I haven't written something in a year, so this is not going to be my best writing...just bear with me please, and give me some time to get back into writing :)

Words: 1,4K


Chanyeol's P.O.V.

Y/N walks out of my room and I plug my headphones into my keyboard. I started playing some more before going to bed. The next day I woke up and thought back to the night before with a tired smile on my face. The door opened to show it was Y/N in the doorway, 'I'm starting my training with Kris and Xiuming, could you be ready in an hour?' she asked, and I noticed that she was a bit nervous. How cute... 'Yeah, sure. Let me know when you're done.' I said with a smile on my face, and she left to start her training.

I just put a shirt over my head when Suho entered my room, 'Oh look who's awake.' He said, a little annoyed. 'What's wrong?' I asked confused 'Well, Y/N let me know she barely had clothes besides the stuff she got from the girls at the Black Pearl. So, she's about to lose a day of training because of that. And I'm losing you for the day.' He spoke. 'Why me? It's not like I have fashion sense. You should ask Sehun of Baekhyun.' I stated the obvious. 'It was your idea in the first place, so you're gonna help her out.' He said and left my room.

Y/N's P.O.V.

Xiumin and I were practicing some techniques with knives when Suho entered the practice area, 'Y/N bad news.' He said, and I stopped fighting with Xiumin. 'You'll spend the rest of the day in the city with Chanyeol, so you'll need to continue your training first thing in the morning.' I lightened up at the news of spending the day with Chanyeol. 'Aw too bad.' I said sarcastically with a smile. I wiped some sweat from my forehead and left Xiumin and Kris to practice their skills.

When I rounded the corner, I bumped into Chanyeol, 'I was just looking for you. I heard I was spending the rest of the day with you.' I spoke. 'Yeah, do you need to freshen up before we leave, or are you ready to go?' he asked me. Did I smell that bad? I lift my arm and cringe. 'I better go shower.' I said and ran to get a shower.

After I freshened up, I put on some sporty clothes and went to find Chanyeol. He was sitting on the bench railing next to D.O. and Chen who were watching a documentary. 'What are you watching?' I asked, and Chanyeol looked away from the screen to find me standing in the doorway. He got up from the couch, ''Some documentary about serial killers. Might pick up some handy stuff', D.O. said without breaking his gaze from the screen. 'Suuuure.' I said, a bit weirded out. 'Let's get out of here.' He said and pushed D.O. playfully. 'Don't scare away the new member', Chanyeol said and gestured for me to follow him. 'So, what do you want to do today? He asked as we walked toward the elevator. 'Well, I do need some clothes and maybe get some hygienic stuff or something.'' I thought about what I needed to get today. 'Since I'm the first female member of this group, I'll need to get some make-up for when Suho needs me to try to seduce someone.' Chanyeol seemed surprised 'Well you don't need to do that, and are you good at seducing people? We usually leave the seducing to Kai.'' I looked down contemplating my answer. ''Well, no, absolutely not, but I'll need to learn that.'' Chanyeol nodded, 'Well, I think you're already beautiful enough, so I think you won't need the make-up.' He looked down at his hands, and my cheeks turned a bit red. 'Well, let's get this party on the road.' He said before I could say something. We got out of the elevator, and he walked toward his motorcycle. I widened my eyes at the thought of being so close to him, behind him on his motorcycle. ''Are you just going to stand there?'' he said after he sat down. 'Oh sorry.' I said and quickly sat behind him. 'Hold on tight.' After he barely gave me the time to put my arms around his waist, he drove off. I yelped, and Chanyeol increased the speed.

Chanyeol parked his motorcycle and looked at his phone. He frowned and texted someone back. 'Shit' he mumbled underneath his breath. 'Something wrong?' I asked, a bit worried. 'It's Wendy. She asked to hang out, but I need to turn her down again.' He looked disappointed. 'You can bring me home and hang out if you want. We could go back tomorrow.' I offered him. 'No, it's okay. We must do this now. I can hang out with Wendy another time. She'll understand.' He put his phone in his back pocket and offered me an arm. I hesitantly put my arm through his, 'We have to look like a couple, so we don't stand out in the crowd too much.' He whispered, and I nodded. I really hope my cheeks don't give me away this time. 'Calm down, Y/N. It's not like Wendy is going to see us walk together.' He said and rolled his eyes. 'Wendy is in a gang as well, right? What do they do?' I asked curiously. 'Last time I heard they helped women out of brothels and helped women get off the street.' He said casually. 'Oh wow, that's great.' This was the first time that I've heard of a gang in this city that was doing something good for this town.

Joy's P.O.V.

Seulgi and I were strolling through the city to go shopping when I spotted Yeollie with some girl. I tapped her arm and gestured to them, 'What the fuck is Chanyeol doing with some random girl?' Seulgi's gasped, and her eyes widened. She immediately grabbed her phone and took a picture, 'I'll send it to Wendy. She'll love to hear about this.' She smirked and began to text her.

'Girl, we found Chanyeol with some random chick. Do you know anything about this?'

*Insert picture of Y/N and Chanyeol*

After a minute, her phone began to ring, 'WhAT THE FUCK IS CHANYEOL DOING WITH THAT GIRL?!' I heard Wendy yelling through Seulgi's phone. 'Wendy, calm down for a second. We'll ghost them and find out what's going on. Don't worry.'' She said and hung up. 'We'll just have to follow them and find out who this bitch is.' Seulgi said and started walking after them. I started to pity the girl because our leader was not a woman to be messed with.

Chanyeol's P.O.V.

We were trying on funny glasses in the store when I spotted two very familiar girls. Seulgi and Sooyoung from Red Velvet. I tried to hide you from them, but it was already too late. 'Yeollie what are you doing here?' Seulgi said cheerfully, and Sooyoung only waved. 'So, the rumors are true, there is a new EXO member. You didn't tell Wendy it was a girl though. Tsk, what would she think after she got refused by Junmyeon.' Seulgi said and glared at Y/N. 'And here I was thinking you were all about helping women get out of brothels.' I rolled my eyes. 'Well, times are changing Chanyeol, so you better keep an eye out for your newling.' Seulgi threatened, and Sooyoung looked a bit shocked. 'A threat to her is a threat to EXO. And you don't want your little gang to end up dead, now, don't you?' I fired back and got up in her face.

Y/N's P.O.V.

'I don't care that Wendy is my girlfriend, you don't threaten her in front of me.' He straightened up again and grabbed me by my arm, 'Come let's get out of here.' He said and practically dragged me away from them. 'Tsk, don't think you can get away with this, Chanyeol. Wendy will find out who she is eventually.' Seulgi said and walked away with Sooyoung. 'We need to get back home.' he said worriedly. 'What we just got here? I'm not going to be chased away by your girlfriend Chanyeol. I'm not scared.' I tried to sound tough, but they did get under my skin a bit. 'Well, you should be, she can be a real psycho if someone gets between me and her.' He said jokingly. 'Wasn't EXO the biggest gang? They rather should be afraid of you guys. I quickly want to get some things and then we can go back to the HQ.' I said, standing my ground.

After we got some clothes for me to wear, we drove back to HQ. What have I gotten myself into? Will Wendy be my end?

Lotto • p.c.yNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ