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Your P.O.V
Out of breath, I arrived at the border. I entered the shared room and Jisoo, Rosé, Jennie, and Lisa were already there. Jisoo looks at me concerned. 'What happened?' she asks. 'I-I I have no idea what the hell just happened, to be honest.' I said confused. 'Sit down and tell us all the juicy details.' Jennie giggles. 'Oh my god Jennie how much did you actually drink.' Lisa said smiling and rolled her eyes. 'But I do agree with her. Don't skip the juicy details.' Lisa said and patted the spot next to her on the bed.    'So as you may have seen I was talking to Jungkook.' I said and they nodded. 'I noticed that he got a little handsy too.' Rosé winked. 'That wasn't the disturbing thing either.' I continued. 'We decided to leave and I said that I was an escort and all. He didn't mind and we continued to kiss in an alley.' Lisa wiggled with her eyebrows but I tried to stay serious. 'Is he a good kisser. I've heard that Jimin and Taehyung are great kissers but I haven't heard much about Jungkook.' Lisa asked curiously. 'Lisa, please I try to stay serious but you're not helping.' I said chuckling. 'The disturbing thing was that Chanyeol of EXO claimed me as his.' I said and everyone stayed quiet. Rosé broke the silence 'Isn't he in a relationship with Wendy of Red Velvet?' she said and frowned. 'I have no idea. I just got into this life and it already has gotten a little messed up. If he's in a relationship with someone I do not get the feeling that he's a loyal guy. He gazed at me the whole evening.' I said. 'Did he say something to you or Jungkook?' Jisoo asked. 'At the begin of the evening he asked me how I was doing at the border and I said that I was nervous for my first night. Then Baekhyun asked him to come back. After that, I caught him looking at me a couple of times but didn't think much of it. Later that night when I was kissing Jungkook he said that Jungkook doesn't get to touch what's his. Did something happen between them?' I asked. 'Not that I'm aware of but in this world, a lot of things can happen without us escorts knowing it. So something could have happened.' Jennie said. I noticed that Jennie was trying very hard to stay conscious but she kept fluttering with her eyelids. 'I think what I need right now is a good night of sleep. And I think the same for Jennie.' I said and referred to Jennie who was almost asleep on the shoulder of Jisoo. We chuckled and got ready to go to sleep. 'Good night.'

- Earlier -

Chanyeol's P.O.V
Kris, Baekhyun, Xiumin, Kai and I decided to get a drink so we went to a bar which is closely located to the brothel of Ha Ji-Won. 'I hope we'll see some of the beautiful ladies of the brothel. I haven't seen them in a while.' Kai said smirking. 'You only try to get into their pants.' Xiumin said rolling his eyes. 'So that's what they're-' 'Before you finish that sentence please cling to that last piece of decency you have and shut up.' Xiumin said getting annoyed with Kai's behavior. Kai shrugged and went to find a booth. We sat down and immediately got approached by some girls.      A lot of people know us so they're smart not to flirt with me since I'm with Wendy. 'What's she doing tonight anyway?' I thought and messaged her. 'What are you up to tonight?' I pressed send and laid my phone back on the table until it buzzed. 'Busy with the girls, why?' 'Nevermind than.' I send back and put my phone back in my pocket. 'I'm getting a drink guys.' I said and stood up from our table. 'Okay, be back soon.' Baekhyun said with his cheeky smile. I headed to the bar and sat down on one of the bar stools. The bartender cleaned my part of the bar and asked me what I wanted to drink. He gave me my drink and I started to drink the amber liquid. It burned slightly in my throat but I was used to that by now. I looked behind me and noticed that the girls from the brothel had entered the bar. And last but not least she came in. The girl who had witnessed the assassination of Seungri. She looked beautiful. Wait what am I thinking. I'm with Wendy, I can't think like this. I turned back and took a sip of my drink. Someone tapped my shoulder. 'I'm no-' I started but when I turned around I saw that it was her. 'Oh, it's you. How are you doing at the brothel?' I asked and took another sip of my drink. 'I have to show my skills tonight but I can't seduce a guy to save my life,' she said and chuckled nervously. I chuckled. 'so this is going to be fun.' I scoffed and smirked. 'You would think a girl like you could seduce a bit.' I said. 'A girl like me? What'd you mean?' she said but before I could answer her Baekhyun approached us. 'Chanyeol, please come back to us. It's boring without you.' Baekhyun said whining and already a bit tipsy. He couldn't handle his alcohol really well. 'I'll come back in just a sec, Baekhyun. Don't drink too much before you start dancing on the table again just like before.' I said thinking back to the gold moment. Luckily I filmed it otherwise it would've been a waste. I laughed at Baekhyuns bitch face 'It was one time!' he scoffed and headed back to our table. She looked at our table and then back at me. 'I got to go back to the guys, see you later.' I said and walked back to our table. 'I noticed that you were talking to that new chick of the border.' Kai said. 'Did she say something?' Xiumin asked. 'It's her first night and she has to show Jiwon what she can do. She's just nervous.' I said with a small smile on my face. 'Do you like her or something?' 'What do you mean?' I asked confused. 'You can't fool us Chanyeol-ah' Kris said. 'We noticed how you were looking at her when she entered the bar or when you were talking to her.' he said and I rolled my eyes and finished my drink. 'Don't be foolish guys, I'm with Wendy.' I said. 'Yeah, but you're barely around her. Didn't she bail on you last time you had a date with her?' Baekhyun asked and nudged me. I glared at him 'That had something to do with her work, work comes before dating you know that.' I said and was eager to get another drink. 'Mhmm. Wouldn't be surprised if she's getting laid by another guy.' Kris muttered under his breath. If looks could kill he would be on the ground right now. I looked away from Kris so I wouldn't throw myself at him and learn him a lesson but he was still my hyung so I had to bottle up my irritations toward him. I noticed her sitting next to someone familiar. It was Jeon Jungkook from BTS.

EXO and BTS were on good terms right now but I didn't like the fact that that punk was sitting next to her. Chanyeol! Quit this foolish behavior. You're with Wendy. Why would you care about who's with her...? Kai offered to give a round and I asked for another scotch. I kept gazing at her until she looked behind her and caught me. I quickly turned around and Kai returned with our drinks.

After a couple of drinks, I quickly got quite annoyed with Jungkook. He had his arm around her. I should be the one that had my arm around her. Not Jungkook for fuck sake. She looked at me and I, again, managed to look away quickly. 'Hyung did you hear anything from what I just said?' Kai asked and I shook my head. 'Wow you're really mesmerized by this girl aren't you?' I shrugged and looked back at her. I saw how she looked away from him smiling. Jungkook said something and put his hand on her cheek. She nodded and he leaned in to give her kiss. I almost lost my shit and throw my drink back into my throat in one swing. It burned but it kind of kept me from heading to Jungkook and discolating his jaw. I looked back at the two and noticed that they got up from the booth where Taehyung, Jimin, Yoongi, and Jungkook were seated. They said their goodbyes and headed for the door. She got pulled aside on their way to the door by Rosé. After that Rosé walked away again and she left with Jungkook. 'Guys, I'm going back home. I'm tired and need a good night of sleep.' I said and acted tired. 'Funny thing. That girl just left with Jungkook.' Kai teased and smirked. 'Shut up, Kai. It has nothing to do with her I'm just tired like I said. Good night.' I said and quickly walked out of the bar. I looked around me and noticed how the two entered an alley. I quickly walked toward the alley and entered it. Jungkook was kissing and sucking her neck, leaving spots on his way. Before I could even process this my legs moved toward the two. 'If you don't take your filthy lips off her skin right now, you'll regret it.' I said almost losing the fight between staying sane and smashing his face. 'Great seeing y-' he began smiling cockily. 'Save your excuses.' I snapped and slowly got closer. 'You don't get to touch what's mine.' I said slowly and my voice lowered an octave. She pushed herself away from the wall like she was stuck to the wall and she began to run. Jungkook took a step back until his back hit the wall. 'If you ever touch her again like that,' I said and slammed my hand next to his head. 'you'll wish you had never met me.' He flinched for a quick second and I almost didn't notice it. When I knew he'd understood my message I walked away from him and headed home.

Lotto • p.c.yTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon